Training Delivery - Webinar

COAP – TTA Funding Announcement and Webinar

In this webinar, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) leaders will review the fiscal year 2019 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) grant application process. This training and technical assistance (TTA) is designed to complement the COAP competitive site-based solicitation. The purpose of this program is to deliver TTA to state, local, and tribal criminal justice and substance abuse treatment agencies, prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), and their partner agencies.  

There are five award categories:

COAP Site-based Program FY 2019 Competitive Grant Announcement and Webinar

In this webinar, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) leaders will review the fiscal year 2019 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program grant application process. This site-based grant program provides awards ranging from $600,000 to $6,500,000 for a 36-month project period to deliver financial and technical assistance to states, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to plan, develop, and implement comprehensive efforts to identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by the opioid epidemic.  

There are three award categories:

The Sentinel Events Initiative: Becoming a Demonstration Site

The Sentinel Events Initiative (SEI) aims to empower jurisdictions by learning from negative outcomes in the criminal justice system and preventing their reoccurrence. Currently, the Bureau of Justice Assistance is seeking sites for the SEI National Demonstration Collaboration, in which jurisdictions across the country will receive technical assistance to conduct sentinel event reviews of outcomes such as wrongful releases, in-custody deaths, or fatal overdoses of justice-involved individuals.

Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) Resource Center Webinar Series: What’s in a Name? The Role of Peer Specialists

To support people on their paths to recovery from substance use disorders, the use of peer specialists in peer recovery support services (PRSS) is increasing across diverse criminal justice settings. Peer specialists offer the benefits of their own experiences with recovery, provide hope and social support, and can change the outcomes for those in recovery.

This session will:

Webinar - Implementing Evidence-Based Policing: Lessons from the LEADS Program

Evidence-based policing sounds like a great idea. After all, other professions such as medicine and science are constantly refining, improving, and innovating the best practices for their professions.

Law enforcement – especially given its critical role in society – should be no different.

Expanding Outreach to Victims of Identity Theft and Cybercrime

The National Identity Theft Victims Assistance Network seeks to expand and improve the outreach and capacity of victim service programs to better address the rights and needs of victims of identity theft and cybercrime nationwide. The national network enhances the capacity to provide assistance to victims and encourages expansion of existing victim service programs and coalitions. This session will provide guidance on improving and expanding service to identity theft victims.

Virtual Listening Session to Identify Fiscal Year 2019 Tribal Priorities

The Virtual Tribal Listening Session, hosted by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), will gather the views of tribal stakeholders in order to inform the federal-tribal partnership and grant-making priorities.

Bureau of Justice Assistance Tribal Stakeholder Preparatory Session

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)'s Tribal Stakeholder Preparatory Session, a teleconference/webcast, will engage tribal stakeholders on the purpose of the listening session and provide information that will help tribal stakeholders prepare for the Virtual Tribal Listening Session, scheduled for Tuesday, March 26. BJA leadership and staff will be available to respond to questions during this session.

Webinar - Community-Based Treatment Capacity to Meet Demand for SUD Services

Communities seeking to connect addicted individuals to substance use disorder treatment services may arrive at the seminal question, "Divert to what?" Further, trouble accessing adequate and appropriate quality treatment poses an enormous barrier to fully implementing diversion processes.

Webinar - Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents in School

This webinar will focus on the needs of children who have a parent who is incarcerated. The presenters will concentrate on how schools and school personnel can support the child, his/her caregiver, and parent in a positive manner.
