Training Delivery - Classroom Training/Onsite

Tribal Workshops at the 2017 NADCP Conference

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) will present two to five workshops at the 2017 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Annual Conference. In addition, TLPI will facilitate the Tribal Nations Forum, participate in several technical assistance and national advisory meetings, and meet with individual Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts in attendance that request one-on-one meetings.

Workshops at the Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference

As part of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute's (TLPI) grant objective to present at regional and statewide drug court conferences, TLPI will present three workshops at the Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals Problem-Solving Courts Conference: Relapse Prevention and After Care, Tribal-State Court Collaboration, and Incorporating Custom into Healing to Wellness Court.

ASC 2016 Panels and Roundtable

One key goal of the BJA Smart Policing Initiative is improvement in the rigor with which policing strategies and innovations are evaluated. This roundtable discussion will focus on the research methodologies employed in several Smart Policing sites, the challenges encountered with implementing sound research designs in operational settings, and the ways in which the Smart Policing sites are meeting and overcoming these challenges.

American Jail Association Conference April 2017

During the American Jail Association Conference, Impact Justice will facilitate a full-day forum to provide training and technical assistance to Jail Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Coordinators; provide technical assistance in the conference vendor hall at a booth with National PREA Resource Center (PRC) staff and associates (three days from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET); and deliver two workshop sessions for general attendees, providing training on conducting risk assessments, housing at-risk inmates, and conducting investigations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
