Webinar development / presentation

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) is a 100% Native American operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Enhancing and Promoting Tribal Courts, Tribal Justice Systems, and Intergovernmental Collaboration
  • Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
  • Enhancing Tribal-Federal-State-Local Collaborations
  • Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Training and Technical Assistance Program

The CNA Corporation

The CNA Corporation analyzes and solves problems by getting as close as possible to the people, the data – and the problems themselves – in order to find the clear, credible answers government leaders need to choose the best course of action.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA FY 23 National Initiatives: Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance Solicitation: Category 1
  • DOJ Jails and Justice Support Center
  • BJA FY 22 Law Enforcement National Initiatives to Improve Public Safety, Enhance Agency Operations via Training, Recruitment and Retention and Building Community Trust
  • FY 2021 Project Safe Neighborhoods Training and Technical Assistance Program
  • Crime and Corrections Analyst in Residence Program
  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Training and Technical Assistance for Site-based JRI Projects.
  • Strategies for Policing Innovation National Training and Technical Assistance Program
  • PSP National Training and Technical Assistance Program - Local Law Enforcement Violent Crime Strategy Enhancement
  • FY 19 Body-Worn Camera Program
  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative: National Training and Technical Assistance, Category 3
  • FY 18 Field Inittiated - CAT 2

Urban Institute

The Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center staff members conduct research and evaluations and provide technical assistance to improve justice policy and practice at the national, state, and local levels. Urban researchers examine the development, implementation, and impact of policing, crime prevention, and gang disruption initiatives. The work includes a large breadth of topics ranging from risk assessment, community corrections and reentry, human trafficking, forensic science, courts and sentencing, to gun violence.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Improving Safety for Institutional Corrections

National Police Institute

The purpose of the National Policing Institute is to help the police be more effective in doing their job, whether it be deterring robberies, intervening in potentially injurious family disputes, or working to improve relationships between the police and the communities they serve. To accomplish their mission, they work closely with police officers and police agencies across the country, and it is in their hard work and contributions that their accomplishments are rooted.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA Digital Trust
  • Expanding the Reach and Impact of the 30x30 Initiative
  • Crisis Intervention and Effective De-escalation: Building a National Model for Police Standards and Training
  • National Law Enforcement Roadway Safety Program (NLERSP)
  • Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative TTA Provider
  • National Law Enforcement Learning Lab
  • CGIC-Improving Investigations
  • National Law Enforcement Traffic Safety Program

St. Petersburg College


The Center for Public Safety Innovation’s (CPSI) at St. Petersburg College mission is to develop and deliver high-quality training for emergency and first responders, military personnel, and the general public, in a variety of formats—web-based, video, broadcast, and face-to-face— using state-of-the-art technology and best practices in education and training. CPSI training focuses on public safety, the disaster preparedness cycle, illegal drug interdiction, community engagement, and enhanced quality of life for all.

School of Criminal Justice: Michigan State University

The School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU) is the nation’s oldest continuous degree-granting program in criminal justice. Since 1935, MSU has been a leader in criminal justice scholarship with its pioneering research, undergraduate, and graduate education and engaged collaboration with criminal justice agencies, the private sector, and communities locally and abroad.

Margolis, Healy & Associates, LLC

Margolis Healy is a professional services firm specializing in campus safety, security, and regulatory compliance for higher education and K-12. The firm provides their clients with a variety of specialized services that include, but are not limited to, campus safety and security assessments; Title IX and Clery Act assessments; emergency management risk and hazard assessments; emergency preparedness and crisis response systems and exercises; implementation of lethal and less-than-lethal force options; litigation consultation; and special investigations/independent reviews.

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is the preeminent organization in the United States advancing the mission of the nation's criminal defense lawyers to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime or other misconduct. 

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • FY2022 National Training and Technical Assistance: Capital Case Litigation Initiative
  • Justice For All: Sixth Amendment TTA

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

The mission of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation is to support the neighborhood revitalization efforts of community groups by providing them with financing (e.g., grants, loans, and equity capital), technical and management assistance, training opportunities, and policy support.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • CVI in Schools: A New Approach to STOP School Violence
  • Building Capacity for Safer Communities
  • Building CVI Resources for a Stronger Field
  • Building Lasting Capacity for Violent Crime Reduction in Rural Communities

National American Indian Court Judges Association

The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is a national association comprised of tribal justice personnel and others devoted to supporting and strengthening tribal justice systems through education, information-sharing, and advocacy. NAICJA is a nonprofit corporation established in 1969 as a corporation in the State of Delaware following the enactment of the federal Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. The Act required tribes to follow certain requirements similar to those in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • FY18-20 Holistic Defense Pilot TTA
