
CI101 Basic Cyber Investigations: Digital Footprints (Jan. 13, 2021, Virtual)

This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individual’s digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, and the consequences of oversharing personal information, as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

DF100 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Seizure (Jan. 11, 2021, Virtual)

This course introduces the information and techniques law enforcement personnel need to safely and methodically collect and preserve digital evidence at a crime scene. Topics include recognizing potential sources of digital evidence; planning and executing a digital evidence-based seizure; and the preservation, packaging, documentation, and transfer of digital evidence.

CI103 Basic Cyber Investigations: Advertising Identifiers (Jan. 27, 2021, Virtual)

This one-day course, focused on device location information, is for law enforcement investigators and analysts. Class concepts include device identifiers (IDs) in general, advertising IDs in detail, important legal considerations, overall investigative process, and tools available to law enforcement. Students will use commercially available investigative tools for querying databases of Advertising IDs and displaying their recorded broadcast locations.

DF330 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: iOS & Android (Jan. 25, 2021, Virtual)

This course provides the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to analyze data on iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad) and Android devices at an advanced level. Students use forensically sound tools and techniques to analyze potential evidence, employing advanced techniques to uncover evidence potentially missed or misrepresented by commercial forensic tools. Topics include identifying potential threats to data stored on devices, using available acquisition options, accessing locked devices, and understanding the default folder structure. Core skills include analyzing artifacts such as device information, call history, voicemail, messages, web browser history, contacts, and photos. Instruction is provided on developing the "hunt" methodology for analyzing third-party applications not supported by commercial forensic tools.

Webinar - Shadow Economy 101

Communities are under siege by crimes for profit. When criminals make money (regardless of method: fraud, human trafficking, drugs, counterfeit or stolen goods, cargo, identity theft, or organized retail theft), they create a shadow economy. This illicit activity competes with and erodes the economic stability of our communities. Unique research into the economic impact of the shadow economy reveals the critical need to support skilled, targeted investigations and effective prosecution. Unfortunately, there are ever-increasing efforts to decriminalize non-violent crimes. These policies are fueling the unprecedented growth of the shadow economy. In order to defend communities from this threat, investigators will require a counter-narrative to illustrate how these policies are generating more crime, propagating violence, and ultimately leading to urban decay.

Webinar – Life-Saving Partners: 9-1-1 and Suicide Lifelines Working Together

Dispatcher and crisis hotline staff both play important roles in helping individuals in moments of crisis. Although they both share the goal of helping the caller, the steps each role takes can differ greatly. This webinar will teach what those steps are, how shared information can speed up the process, and how each agency can best help the other to save a caller’s life.


Halcyon Frank is a founder of The Dispatch Lab, a dispatch training and support organization.

Webinar – Building a Successful Homicide Committee: Police-Prosecutor Collaboration in Jackson County, MO

Join the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for “Building a Successful Homicide Committee: Police-Prosecutor Collaboration in Jackson County, MO,” an hour-long webinar that is part of the Capital Case Litigation Initiative webinar series. The Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office and the Kansas City Police Department have instituted a successful, collaborative homicide review process.

Webinar – DNA: Making Sense of the Methods & Science Behind Your Samples

DNA is often touted as the “gold standard” of crime scene evidence. In this session, presenters will explore the science behind DNA, DNA-associated evidence types (what we can/can’t process), the methods used to process this type of evidence, and challenges associated with both methods and interpretation of results. This web event is hosted by the Zero Abuse Project in conjunction with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center.

Webinar – “Diverting People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from the Criminal Justice System”

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (sometimes known as I/DD) are an often overlooked population in the criminal justice system because of a lack of identification, understanding, and service gaps that prevent providers’ abilities to address their needs. Criminal justice professionals looking to effectively divert people in this population from the justice system can look to this webinar for strategies and tips on diversion, with an additional focus on people who have co-occurring I/DD, substance use disorders, and mental illnesses.
