
Drone Forensics 101: Extracting & Examining Data from Drones

The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) understands how important it is for law enforcement professionals to be up to speed on emerging technologies. In recent months, drones have been a subject of controversy and are being used more frequently by criminals. These devices store data and need to be handled appropriately. Active cases are currently being prosecuted in border, battlefield, and correctional facility scenarios. Having the capability to quickly recover and analyze data from drones has become critically important.

Cybercop 201 - Intermediate Data Recovery and Analysis - IDRA

The "Cybercop (CC) 201 - Intermediate Data Recovery and Analysis" (IDRA) course builds on the concepts introduced in "CC 101 - Basic Data Recovery and Acquisition" (BDRA). This course covers the architecture and functionality of the Windows NT File System (NTFS), the FAT File System, and related directory entry information for locating files on electronic devices. Topical areas include file headers and file hashing, recovery of deleted files and long file names, and techniques for discovering potential evidence that might otherwise be overlooked.

Cybercop 201 - Digital Evidence Examination and Processing

The "Cybercop (CC) 201 - Digital Evidence Examination and Processing" (DEEP) course builds on the concepts introduced in "CC 101: Basic Digital Forensic Imaging" (BDFI). This course covers the architecture and functionality of the Windows NT File System (NTFS), the FAT File System, and related directory entry information for locating files on electronic devices. Topical areas include file headers and file hashing, recovery of deleted files and long file names, and techniques for discovering potential evidence that might otherwise be overlooked.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Advanced Investigative Techniques (TX; Dec 2017)

This course is for the detective who is assigned to a pharmaceutical crime unit or investigation. This course will address the crimes associated with pharmaceutical drug diversion, criminal methods, investigative techniques, evidence collection, and the importance of involving a prosecutor at the onset to prepare the case for successful prosecution.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Tools for the Street (Dec 2017)

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem, the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.

CP OSNII - Successful Use of Online Social Networking for Investigations and Intelligence (Jan 2018)

This two-day course provides students an up-to-date understanding of how social networking sites work and how members act and interact. Student will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.

The course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators.

Students with any level of familiarity with the Internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial.

A Few Key Learning Points:

CP OSNII - Successful Use of Online Social Networking for Investigations and Intelligence (Feb 8, 2018)

This two-day course provides students with an up-to-date understanding of how social networking sites work and how members act and interact. Students will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.

The course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators.

Students with any level of familiarity with the internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial.

A few key learning points:

Webinar - Evidence Based Best Practices for Public Safety Agencies

This Justice Clearinghouse webinar will examine evidence-based policy (EBP) development.

EBP is an approach that helps decisionmakers develop well-informed decisions about policies, programs, and projects by putting the best available evidence from research at the heart of policy development and implementation.

CP OSNII - Successful Use of Online Social Networking for Investigations and Intelligence (Feb 28, 2018)

This two-day course provides students with an up-to-date understanding of how social networking sites work and how members act and interact. Student will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.The course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators. Students with any level of familiarity with the Internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial.

A Few Key Learning Points:
