
MOU and MOA Drafting - Strategies for Creating Effective Partnerships

This Community of Practice webinar is one of a series of monthly webinars meant to encourage open dialog among participants. All phone lines/microphones are open to allow participants to ask questions and discuss the topic with each other, with facilitators guiding the conversation. This is funded by award 2016-IC-BX-K002 for the Tribal Justice Systems Planning Project.

Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Meeting with Victim Families

Join the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys for the webinar “Meeting with Victim Families.” This webinar will focus on how to be the best advocate possible for victims of capital crimes and their families, with emphasis on building effective, empathetic relationships with these families and guiding them through the judicial process. This presentation will include resources for prosecutors dealing with such capital litigation cases.

Cloud Combat: Debating Law Enforcement Access to Overseas Data

A former prosecutor and a high-tech crime attorney will square off in several rounds of debate on whether, and how, law enforcement can obtain evidence stored electronically overseas. Each round will involve a hypothetical case that incorporates relevant, cutting-edge evidentiary questions on various topics including overseas servers, CLOUD Act considerations, space-based data storage, and pertinent international law.

Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Recruitment

This webinar, which is Part II of a series of webinars related to law enforcement disciplinary issues, will explore the nexus between law enforcement and military service. The webinar is geared toward criminal justice professionals, current or veteran military service members, those employed in the field of academia, and citizens who are interested in learning information concerning disciplinary issues and law enforcement.

Understanding the Darknet

As the Internet continues to evolve, new layers populate where offenders commit criminal offenses. One such area is the Darknet. Participants will learn about the Darknet, how potential criminal activity is facilitated on the Darknet, and why this knowledge is crucial to investigating and prosecuting child exploitation cases. Additionally, participants will learn how to access other locations on the Darknet.

Medical Evaluation of Child Sexual Abuse: Why Can’t We Be More Like CSI?

A child abuse pediatrician will present an overview of the medical evaluation for suspected sexual abuse. The presenter will outline examples of the different roles between physician and nurse providers stressing the necessity of specialized training regardless of degree and the importance of participating in ongoing education and case review for quality assurance. The presenter will also discuss salient features of how the exam is performed, how to interpret findings, and when/how the collection of DNA/laboratory specimens are collected.

How Justice Agencies Can Implement and Benefit from Sentinel Event Reviews

The National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Sentinel Events Initiative takes a learning approach to error in the criminal justice system. This approach advocates for non-blaming, forward-looking, all-stakeholder event reviews of negative criminal justice outcomes, which might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided.

What's New in DF330 Advanced Android and iOS Forensic Analysis

This webinar will highlight the changes to the DF330 course and will focus on the advanced skills and knowledge required to analyze data on iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad) and Android devices. Students will use forensically sound methods and techniques to analyze potential evidence, employing advanced techniques to uncover evidence that was potentially missed or misrepresented by commercial forensic tools. Core skills include analyzing artifacts such as device information, call history, voicemail, messages, web browser history, contacts, and photos. Students will learn how to develop the "hunt" methodology for analyzing third party applications that are not supported by commercial forensic tools. In addition to finding data, students will learn how to analyze data by writing custom SQLite queries and will learn to use the terminal as a powerful tool in investigations.

The Tables Have Turned: Igniting the Power of Survivors in Abuse Investigation and Prosecution

In many sexual abuse cases, DNA or other traditional forensic evidence does not exist, and the outcome often depends on the abilities of a multidisciplinary team to maximize the strength of survivors throughout the investigation and at trial. A former prosecutor and an abuse survivor who recorded the perpetrator's confession share investigative tips, best practices for interacting with survivors, and trial strategies to dismantle the power dynamics of perpetrator and victim.
