Tribal Justice Agencies

FC122 Intellectual Property Theft Training (July 24, 2020, Virtual)

This course introduces the problem of intellectual property (IP) theft and provides tools, techniques, and resources for investigating and prosecuting these crimes. A combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises illustrates the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products, as well as best practices and techniques for investigating IP theft. Students are provided with a state-specific workbook that includes relevant statutes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and additional resources for investigators and prosecutors.

Webinar: Web Resources for Identifying Effective Criminal Justice Programs: What They Offer and How They Differ

Researchers, program planners, and policy makers have access to a number of web-based resources that serve as a centralized source of information on what works in criminal and juvenile justice. These resources typically present information on the characteristics and effectiveness of various programs or practices along with a summary of the empirical evidence on their effectiveness drawn from evaluations or meta-analyses.

Trauma-Informed Advocacy in the Time of a Pandemic

The world has changed, and ways of life have been put on hold. These are truly trying and difficult times for so many people. Tribal domestic violence advocates are struggling to find their footing and respond as best they can under the circumstances, given the lack of resources and tribal infrastructures as well as an increase in domestic violence. Indigenous people and Tribal Nations experience multiple levels of trauma, including Historical Trauma. All this contributes to the response to the current pandemic.

California’s 27th Annual State ICWA Conference

Attendees will hear from the California Department of Justice, California Tribal Families Coalition, and California Department of Social Services. This conference will provide Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) litigation and legislation updates and also take an in-depth look at different Tribes’ organizational approaches and how they are developing their infrastructure. 

Effective Collaborations: 10 Steps to Address the Opioid Crisis

This webinar will explore successful examples of law enforcement/community coalitions that have produced positive outcomes. Examples of positive outcomes include increasing public awareness of opioid risks, reaching youth with critical messages regarding fentanyl, responding to fatal overdoses, reducing stigma associated with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), and promoting links to effective treatment. The webinar will also discuss multidisciplinary and community policing partnerships that helped lead to program success.

Boston Bar Association Partner Webinar: Behavioral Health in Delinquency: Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Emerging adults are more likely to be arrested, be incarcerated, and to recidivate after release. Join the Juvenile Unit/Juvenile Alternative Resolution Program at the Office of Suffolk County, New York District Attorney Rachael Rollins, the Committee for Public Counsel Services, the brain-science experts at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Law, Brain & Behavior, and the staff and youth at More Than Words to learn why and discuss how we can reverse this trend.

The dates for the series are as follows:

Webinar: Mitigating and Prioritizing Investigative Case Load Post Corona

COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders have impacted criminal investigations, creating a significant backlog and an overwhelming task for investigators. As businesses and life reopen in a post-coronavirus world, these investigations will need to continue. The sheer volume of backlog will make it difficult for investigators to effectively manage the amount of investigations. This webinar will go over strategies for efficiently managing, triaging, and prioritizing investigations. We will discuss various methods and techniques to use in dealing with a significant case load and delve into some virtual investigative techniques that can be used in the future.
