Tribal Justice Agencies

CP OSNII - Successful Use of Online Social Networking for Investigations and Intelligence (Feb 28, 2018)

This two-day course provides students with an up-to-date understanding of how social networking sites work and how members act and interact. Student will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.The course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators. Students with any level of familiarity with the Internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial.

A Few Key Learning Points:

2017 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The 2017 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is the preeminent national training opportunity for tribal problem-solving courts. Like national and regional drug court trainings, the Wellness Court Enhancement Training will be oriented around the 10 key components and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals' National Drug Court Standards.

Webinar: Planning a Healing to Wellness Court: Inspiration and Vision to Get Started

Wondering how to get started in developing a Healing to Wellness Court for your Tribe? This free webinar will explore the strategies of developing a vision and plan, as well as lessons learned. Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts bring together community-healing resources with the tribal justice process, using a team approach to achieve the physical and spiritual healing of the participant and the well-being of the community. This webinar will walk participants through the visioning and foundation planning process to begin the development and implementation of a Healing to Wellness Court.

Defensive Tactics and Personal Safety Training

Practice skills to effectively resolve disturbances that may arise in community supervision, during home visits or search and seizure, or in a court setting. Review the Disturbance Resolution model, a framework for determining what level of force is necessary and reasonable in various situations. Explore the legal justification for using force as well as situational desirability, threat assessment opportunities, officer versus subject factors and effective communication techniques.

Webinar: Reducing Recidivism: Improving Supervision Outcomes for FASD Probationers

Research suggests that as many as 60 percent of adolescents and adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) come into contact with the criminal justice system. FASD is a prenatal brain injury that can make understanding and complying with probation conditions difficult, putting this population at higher risk for recidivism. Learn effective supervision strategies to improve supervision outcomes, prevent crime, and reduce recidivism. During the webinar, participants will:

Drug Identification and Recognition for Tribal Probation

Explore techniques to recognize drug influence when conducting home visits, search and seizure, or other interactions with probationers. Develop the critical skills to recognize common paraphernalia and the signs and symptoms of persons under the influence of stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, marijuana, alcohol, depressants, inhalants, and dissociative anesthetics through hands-on instruction.

Counter Terrorism: Contingency Planning for Law Enforcement Agencies

Despite the best efforts of the Joint Terrorism Task Forces and Fusion Centers, organized or lone wolf terrorist attacks can still occur in the United States. When that occurs, it is the local law enforcement that has to respond. As in all police operations, it is better to have a contingency plan before a terrorist event. 

How to Hunt Criminals and Terrorists: The Actionable Intelligence Workshop

This webinar is designed to instruct law enforcement commanders, their police officers assigned to both patrol and investigative functions, and their analysts on how to aggressively collect and use actionable intelligence. The same intelligence techniques can also be used against both criminal and terrorist targets. The intelligence training taught in the webinar is designed to supplement the existing operational professionalism, skills, and experience within the audience.

Webinar: Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Key Components and Standards

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts have experienced great success, even serving as models for other types of drug courts. Tribal values and the Tribal Key Components document are instrumental in their success. The Tribal Key Components form the foundation of all tribal drug courts. The Adult Drug Court Standards document represents the latest research-based best practices for what works within the drug court setting. Applicants for Wellness Court federal funding are now being asked to abide by both documents.
