State Agencies

Improving National Laboratory Capability and Capacity to Measure Human Exposure to Synthetic Opioids

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) laboratory at the National Center for Environmental Health is collaborating with public, private, and academic laboratories to respond to the opioid overdose epidemic. Some states are leveraging the Laboratory Response Network for Chemical Threats (LRN-C) infrastructure to respond to the epidemic. The webinar will cover performance of screening immunoassays, with highlights on cross-reactivity gaps in contrast to fentanyl chemical structure. Traceable Opioid Material* Kits (TOM Kits*), developed by CDC, will be described.

Webinar - The Art of Crisis Leadership

Crises cost time, money, customers, and careers (usually in that order), as well as, in the worst of scenarios, lives. Whether a data breach, social media attack, bad press, litigation, investigation, civil unrest, or scandal, great leaders understand how to be predictive and create organizational muscle memory.

Digital and Multimedia Forensics: The Impact of Disturbing Media

Within the law enforcement and digital forensics communities, people will say, “What do they expect? It’s part of the job – they should be able to handle it.” However, technology has changed the type of evidence that is now processed in criminal cases, with more audio, video, and image evidence of the actual crime itself than ever before. In addition, almost every criminal investigation involves more than one form of digital evidence.

Webinar - Improving Job Readiness and Retention for Higher Risk Populations

For the overwhelming majority of people in federal and state prisons who will eventually reenter the community, finding employment plays a critical role in preventing recidivism. That said, it is not strictly job placement services that can make the difference between reincarceration and successful reentry; ensuring people who are returning to communities from incarceration have the skills to not only find, but also retain, jobs is also key.

Annual Poverty Research and Policy Forum – Human Services Programs and the Opioid Crisis

The current opioid epidemic has devastated families and communities and shattered lives. While the human toll of the opioid crisis is well established, its adverse effects on the goals of human services programs such as family stability, child well-being, and self-sufficiency are less well understood. Human services programs provide essential services to families and individuals who are struggling with opioid and other substance use disorders.

Research to Improve Law Enforcement Response to Persons with Mental Illnesses and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Law enforcement agencies and communities across the country are looking for strategies to improve the behavioral health crisis response for individuals with mental illnesses and intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). This webinar will provide an overview of the evidence on models of mental health crisis response, including Crisis Intervention Teams, mobile crisis, co-responder, and stand-alone mental health response training.

Webinar - Advanced Investigative Techniques for Cold Case Sexual Assaults

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance team will host a webinar titled “Advanced Investigative Techniques for Cold Case Sexual Assaults” on Thursday, August 15, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will open at 1:45 p.m. ET.

Webinar - Sustainable Crime Gun Intelligence Strategies Require Policy-driven Tactics

Whether implementing a regional or agencywide preventive crime gun strategy, the establishment of formal policies is a critical factor that must be addressed. These policies can be wide-ranging in scope, affecting entire local, regional, or national populations, and they can be narrow in scope, affecting only a single organization. For example, at least three states now have laws mandating that all police agencies in the state utilize the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) when investigating firearm-related crimes.

Connecting the Dots: Lessons Learned from a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Initiative

Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) with funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

The Improving Outcomes for Youth (IOYouth) initiative, which is operated by the National Reentry Resource Center, helps state and local jurisdictions to align their juvenile justice systems' policies and practices with what research shows works to reduce recidivism and set youth up for success. This webinar is for state and local policymakers, system leaders, agency managers, and more, and it:
