State Agencies

Webinar - Body Worn Cameras for Police Departments

Body worn cameras (BWCs) have been in the news for the past couple of years. To better educate local governments on the trending issues surrounding this topic, Leonard Matarese will lead a discussion with the CNA Institute for Public Research, which directs and coordinates technical assistance regarding BWCs for the hundreds of police agencies that have received funding in recent years from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the BWC Policy and Implementation Program (PIP). 

NW3C-FC 151 - The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA-WB)

This course presents awareness-level information on the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and how it is used to aid law enforcement investigations into terrorism and criminal activity. Students will be introduced to the BSA, the USA PATRIOT Act, and definitions of commonly used terms. This course will also explain the various documents and forms filed by financial institutions under the BSA. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will be discussed, with an emphasis on services and resources provided to law enforcement.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training (Sept 2018)

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

Webinar - OJJDP FY 18 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

On June 22, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) will present on the fiscal year (FY) 2018 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative. This webinar will provide a general overview of the solicitation, deliverables, and the program goals and objectives. The OJJDP FY 2018 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative will fund sites to develop a data-driven, coordinated response to identify and address challenges resulting from opioid abuse that are impacting youth and community safety.

FY 2018 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking: Pre-Application Webinar

This webinar will provide information about the purpose, scope, and requirements of the Office for Victims of Crime/Bureau of Justice Assistance Enhanced Collaborative Model Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force program and will provide information to applicants on how to apply for funding.

Social Network Analysis: An Innovative Tool to Maximize NIBIN Leads

Crime and violence are highly socially connected. As criminal justice practitioners continue to learn about the small percent of the population responsible for the majority of violence, they have to use data analysis tools to focus resources (prevention, intervention, and enforcement) on the small world of people at high risk for being involved in violence, either as offenders or victims. This webinar will examine how social network analysis (SNA) can be applied to criminal justice data to better understand the small world of violence.
