Probation/Parole Officers

APPA Institute Workshop (Winter 2016): Response Control Tactics

This program provides statistical information regarding how probation and parole officers are killed and assaulted in the line of duty and points out the difference in types of attacks based upon the officer’s gender. It then provides control techniques that can be used by any officer to stop the most common attacks experienced by probation and parole officers. These techniques are not based on gender, size or strength. They are easily learned, easily applied and easily retained with a minimum of practice. During the lecture portion of the program, audience response pads will be provided to participants so they may anonymously respond to questions and review responses from other participants. In the hands-on portion, participants will be shown specific techniques to stop various types of attack and will have the opportunity to practice the techniques, with feedback from the presenters.

APPA Institute Workshop (Winter 2016): Enhancing Community Supervision: Research Results on Perceptions of Police-Probation/Parole Partnerships

While several studies exist concerning law enforcement perceptions of police-probation/parole partnerships, few have examined probation/parole perceptions. For those studies that do include such perceptions they have been local and qualitative in nature. This workshop will cover the results of a nationwide study examining probation/parole perspectives of partnerships with law enforcement. The study used a survey to determine favorableness to partnerships with law enforcement in relation to a variety of important concepts including partnership typology, respect for officers’ role, benefits to the officers’ and department’s operations, crime reduction potential, mission distortion, mission creep, leadership support, stalking horse incidents, rehabilitative ideology, barriers to partnership (e.g., funding), training needs, and a variety of individual and organizational demographics. In addition, a separate study conducted in Pennsylvania examining perceptions of partnerships by Police Chiefs, compared to that of Probation/Parole Chiefs, will also be discussed.

National Legal Aid and Defender Association

Founded in 1911, NLADA is America’s oldest and largest nonprofit association devoted
to excellence in the delivery of legal services to those who cannot afford counsel. NLADA has a
long history of providing technical assistance, including seminal systems evaluations,
training, and toolkits to promote excellence in state and local public defense delivery systems.
NLADA team devoted to this project bring extensive technical assistance and evaluation
experience, as well as a wealth of field experience in public defense delivery. NLADA is a

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • NLADA's Effort to Provide Access to Justice for All: TTA on the Right to Counsel

Defensive Tactics Training for Tribal Probation Officers and Court Bailiffs

This course is designed for Tribal Probations Officers (POs) and Court Bailiffs who may encounter a violent or resistive subjects during the course of their duties. The course focuses on establishing the legal justification for using force, as well as providing instruction on situational desirability and justification, threat assessment opportunities, officer vs. subject factors, and communication techniques. Participants will be trained in the Disturbance Resolution Model which provides a framework for determining what level of force is necessary and reasonable in varying situations.

The Effectiveness of Treatment for Adult Sex Offenders

Therapeutic interventions aimed at reducing the likelihood of reoffending are a staple of contemporary sex offender management practice. While there is strong scientific evidence that therapeutic interventions work for criminal offenders overall, the effectiveness of treatment for sex offenders has been subject to debate. This uncertainty about the effectiveness of treatment for sexual offenders arguably is due to several factors, including measurement shortcomings and inconsistent research findings.

Secure Connected Tablet Solution to Enhance Educational Opportunities Behind Bars

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will focus on the implementation of educational technology in a safe and secure manner in an Indiana Department of Correction facility. We will discuss programming and how technology has been used to enhance services and opportunities for inmates. Emphasis will be place on security of the device and systems in place to prevent unwanted access or communication.
