Mental Health Providers

Reducing the Use of Segregation in Correctional Facilities: Lessons from the Field/ Webinar # 1: Using Assessment to Drive Reform

This is the first in a series of webinars presented by the Vera Institute of Justice’s Safe Alternatives to Segregation Initiative. The purpose of the series is to highlight reforms to segregated housing (also referred to as restrictive housing or solitary confinement) being implemented by corrections agencies across the country. 

Webinar: BJA and SAMHSA Wellness Court Funding Opportunities

This webinar will provide a brief overview of Tribal Healing to Wellness Court funding opportunities available within the FY 2016 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Drug Court Discretionary Program, the SAMHSA Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult and Family Drug Courts (Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts), and the anticipated Joint BJA/SAMHSA Adult Drug Court Solicitation. This webinar focuses upon the application requirements of these grants. In addition, this webinar provides BJA Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program-specific grant writing tips, general grant writing tips, and other potential federal sources of funding. 

Tribal Track at the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals' Conference

The Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals (MATCP), in cooperation with the Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI), is pleased to host a two day conference designed to meet the educational needs of anyone who works within the justice system and deals with defendants engaged in drug and alcohol abuse. Whether or not your jurisdiction has a drug treatment court, veteran's treatment court or mental health court, this conference will enhance your skills in dealing with the needs of substance abusing defendants/clients. This year, the conference will feature a Tribal Track, hosted by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, including workshops on Enablement Prevention, Incorporating Culture and Tradition, and Confidentiality.

2016 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The 5th Annual Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is a three-day comprehensive training for both operational Wellness Courts and courts in the planning stages. This training features dual tracks, ranging from legal issues, to treatment considerations, to strategies for better incorporating culture and tradition into the Healing to Wellness Court structure. Operational Wellness Courts will share their experiences and advice. There will also be opportunities for networking.

People with Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System: Promising Legislation for Statewide Reforms

Join NCCJD as we delve into the stories that created statewide movements to pass legislation impacting people with disabilities in the criminal justice system as either suspects or victims of crime. Over the past two years, NCCJD has been compiling a database of such legislation in order to help criminal justice and disability professionals understand this issue from a national viewpoint and get an idea of what type of legislation is being passed and why. A brief overview of current findings will be discussed by NCCJD’s Program Manager.

NADCP 21st Annual Conference -- Tribal Track 2015

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference offers a wide menu of drug court training for courts across the country, and includes over 2,000 attendees. Of the conference's twenty different tracks, the "Tribal Track" offers workshops specifically catered to Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts and courts serving Native American populations. Additionally, prior to the conference, the Tribal Nations Forum offers a three-hour space for Healing to Wellness Court practitioners to meet and share experiences.

2015 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The 2015 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is a three-day comprehensive training covering topics relevant to tribal drug courts/healing to wellness courts, including adult, juvenile, and family models. All practitioners are warmly invited to attend. 

IASAP Drug Identification and Recognition to Support Tribal Justice

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse is increasing in America. In a 2012 survey, approximately 23.9 million Americans reported using an illicit drug or abusing a prescription medication in the past month. 
This course was developed to meet the ever-increasing needs for professionals working in Indian Country to remain current on the most abused drugs in today’s society. Participants will learn to recognize drug influence through a systematic approach using the 7-step drug recognition process. The hands-on instruction will help students develop the skills necessary to recognize the signs and symptoms of persons under the influence of stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, marijuana, alcohol, depressants, inhalants, and dissociative anesthetics.
