Law Enforcement

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: Characteristics of Armed Persons Delaware-Maryland Training

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), in collaboration with the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorney’s, the United States Attorney’s Office District of Delaware, the United States Attorney’s Office District of Maryland, and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network, present the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Characteristics of Armed Persons training event.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention

This training-of-trainers covers the issues of law enforcement suicide prevention to include: the statistics; the role of leadership; stigma and barriers to getting help; signs and indicators; depression; how to intervene and provide assistance to an officer in crisis. The students return to their agencies and provide awareness training to the staff.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (WI; May 2016)

This training-of-trainers covers the issues of law enforcement suicide prevention to include: statistics; the role of leadership; stigma and barriers to getting help; signs and indicators; depression; how to intervene and provide assistance to an officer in crisis. The students return to their agencies and provide awareness training to the staff.

VRN Webinar: Recruiting a Diverse Police Department Through Digital Outreach

A police department that reflects the ethnic, gender and racial makeup of the communities it serves helps to build trust and improve relationships. Commitment to encouraging diversity in the police force has immense value both internally and externally. 

APA Webinar - Measures for Justice

Please join the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys on Friday April 29th at 3:00 P.M. ET for a thought-provoking presentation on Measures for Justice, the first attempt to initiate and implement a series of performance measures to assess and compare the entire criminal justice process from beginning to end, from arrest to post conviction, on a county-by-county basis nationwide.

NSA Webinar - Are You Managing The Change Or Is The Change Managing You?

Although change is really the only constant in life, most of us were never provided the skills and strategies to successfully implement a change effort in our personal and professional lives. As a result, many personal and professional change efforts are conducted in ways that lead to less than successful results.

BJA FY 2016 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program: Site Based Solicitation Webinar

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will host an informational webinar on the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program FY 2016 Competitive Grant Announcement on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will provide an overview of the BCJI program – current model and training and technical assistance (TTA) program – as well as a walk-through of key changes in the FY 16 solicitation. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions directly to BJA staff.

BJA 2016 Small Agency Body-Worn Camera Solicitation Webinar

This webinar will review the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) 2016 Small Agency Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy and Implementation Program Solicitation for agencies with 25 or fewer sworn officers. It will review the eligibility, goals, requirements, considerations, funding, and other expectations for agencies considering applying under this grant. It will also introduce the training and technical assistance provider (CNA) to help agencies get the support they need while developing BWC policy and implementation programs.

BJA 2016 Body-Worn Camera Solicitation Webinar

This webinar will review the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) 2016 Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy and Implementation Program Solicitation for agencies with more than 25 sworn officers. It will review the eligibility, goals, requirements, considerations, funding, and other expectations for agencies considering applying under this grant. It will also introduce the training and technical assistance provider (CNA) to help agencies get the support they need while developing BWC policy and implementation programs.
