Law Enforcement

FC111 Financial Crimes Against Seniors Seminar (Jul 2019, North Dakota)

This course promotes a multiagency approach to the problem of financial exploitation of senior citizens. Topics include working with senior victims, examining documents like bank records and power of attorney, and using resources for investigation and community awareness. Detailed examination of a case study, from initial complaint to prosecution, reinforces and illustrates the course content. With a dual focus on financial abuse by trusted persons and common scams aimed at seniors, the course introduces senior-specific investigative skills while facilitating networking and cooperation that can extend out of the classroom and into real cases.

CI102 Basic Cyber Investigations: Dark Web & Open Source Intelligence (July 2019, Maryland)

This course provides expert guidance in the skills law enforcement officers need to conduct successful online investigations. Topics include IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, best practices for building an undercover profile, foundational knowledge related to the dark web, and the use of the dark web as an investigative tool. Instructors demonstrate both open source and commercially available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media, as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites. 

DF320 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: macOS (Jun 2019, Arkansas)

This course teaches students to identify and collect volatile data, acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers, and perform forensic analysis of macOS operating system and application artifacts. Students gain hands-on experience scripting and using automated tools to conduct a simulated live triage, and use multiple methods to acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers. Topics include how the macOS default file system stores data, what happens when files are sent to the macOS Trash, where operating system and application artifacts are stored, and how they can be analyzed. Forensic artifacts covered include password recovery, recently opened files and applications, encryption handling, Mail, Safari, Messages, FaceTime, Photos, Chrome, and Firefox.

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC)

TASC, Inc. (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities), is a not-for-profit organization that provides health recovery management services for individuals with substance use and mental health disorders. Since 1976, the organization has provided and/or facilitated access to community-based treatment and recovery support services for individuals who are involved in public systems such as criminal and juvenile justice, corrections, child welfare, public aid, and public housing.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Program - Corrections & Community Engagement
  • CHJ First Responder Partnerships (CHJ-FRP) TTA Initiative
  • CHJ First Responder Partnerships TTA Initiative (CHJ-FRP)

Internet Intelligence Training: Social Media Exploitation (June 2019)

This course offers a comprehensive program for internet investigations and open-source intelligence gathering. Students learn how to enhance their search skills to effectively use internet resources for locating information online.

Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence (Jul 2019)

This course introduces the art of cognitive interviewing using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. Students learn how to interview suspects, witnesses, and victims more effectively, as well as to observe brain-based deception behavior in both face-to-face and virtual communications. Topics include influence and persuasion with difficult witnesses and suspects, interpretation of body language for deceit and truthfulness, and best practices for testimony and reframing cross-examination.

Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence (Apr 2019)

This course introduces the art of cognitive interviewing using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. Students learn how to interview suspects, witnesses, and victims more effectively, as well as to observe brain-based deception behavior in both face-to-face and virtual communications. Topics include influence and persuasion with difficult witnesses and suspects, interpretation of body language for deceit and truthfulness, and best practices for testimony and reframing cross-examination.

Webinar - The Changing Nature of Crime and Criminal Investigations

Crime is evolving rapidly, creating new challenges for law enforcement agencies. By using computers, communications platforms, and other technologies, criminals commit crimes that were unheard of a decade or two ago, while also finding different ways to commit traditional crimes. For law enforcement agencies to keep up in this new environment, they must change their approach to criminal investigations. Physical evidence and witness statements are no longer sufficient in many cases.

National Center for Victims of Crime

The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCFVOC) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims' rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims' issues. After more than 25 years, NCFVOC remains the most comprehensive national resource committed to advancing victims' rights and helping victims of crime rebuild their lives.
