Law Enforcement

CI101 Basic Cyber Investigations: Digital Footprints (Aug 2019, Tennessee)

This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individual’s digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, and the consequences of oversharing personal information, as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

Webinar - Women in Law Enforcement: Performance and Outcomes

Administratively and academically, evaluating officers’ performance has been typically completed using simplified metrics such as the number of arrests made. Although these metrics fail to capture important nuanced details about officers’ contributions, they have been used to compare female officers to male officers. Notwithstanding demonstrated similarities in outcomes, evidence suggests that women perform some policing functions in entirely different ways than men.

Webinar - Women in Law Enforcement: Navigating Police Culture

This webinar will explore the enduring challenges women encounter in the law enforcement profession and offer strategies to navigating the police culture in an effort to encourage female interest in the field, and to ensure future generations of female leadership in policing.

In this webinar, attendees will:

Webinar - Women in Law Enforcement: Promotion & Assignment

To truly impact the police field, women must attain leadership positions where they can make organizational decisions, affect culture, and inspire future generations. However, in 2013, women made up only 7 percent of police mid-level management and first line supervisors, and 2.7 percent of police chiefs in the United States. Due to a lack of research in this area, there is a limited understanding of the barriers and challenges that policewomen face in seeking promotions and navigating the upper ranks of law enforcement. In this webinar, Dr.

How to Convict a Child Pornographer

The investigation and prosecution of child pornography has exponentially increased nationwide in recent years, while tactics utilized by online sexual offenders continue to evolve and adapt with emerging technology. This webinar will focus on several key aspects of obtaining convictions, including practical investigative considerations, establishing perpetrator identity, utilizing prior bad acts evidence, countering common defense strategies, and communicating the severity of these egregious offenses to judges and juries.

Mindhunters: Exploiting Offender Psychology in Proactive Operations and Abuse Investigations

Learn psychological insights and practical strategies to exploit Internet sex offender dynamics. Discover how to apply the behavioral profiles of solicitation and child pornography offenders in a variety of settings, including while conducting proactive operations or pretext phone calls, crafting undercover personas, identifying device usage, and interviewing perpetrators. This webinar will also address how to attack sex offender risk assessments, with perspectives from prosecution and forensic psychology.

Digital Evidence: Putting the Digital Pieces Together for a Judge and Jury

Modern criminal cases almost always have a technology connection, and putting the pieces together can be overwhelming for prosecutors who may not have the background or experience the investigators have. This webinar will provide an overview of the various types of digital evidence in criminal investigations and concepts for explaining them to a judge and jury.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: 10 Tips Law Enforcement Officers Need to Know

Law enforcement officers frequently come in contact with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) but often do not receive specialized training on how to identify and interact with people with I/DD. The more knowledge officers have on this topic, the more successful they can be when identifying the disability and communicating with people with I/DD. This webinar provides 10 practical tips officers can use to effectively serve this population.

COAP Rural Responses to the Opioid Epidemic Solicitation Webinar

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Institute for Intergovernmental Research is releasing the Rural Responses to the Opioid Epidemic Grant solicitation. BJA is sponsoring this initiative in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State Justice Institute (SJI). This is part of a series of demonstration projects funded under the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program. These demonstration projects are designed to build local capacity, foster cross-sector collaboration, and support innovation.
