Defense Counsel

How Justice Agencies Can Implement and Benefit from Sentinel Event Reviews

The National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Sentinel Events Initiative takes a learning approach to error in the criminal justice system. This approach advocates for non-blaming, forward-looking, all-stakeholder event reviews of negative criminal justice outcomes, which might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided.

Webinar - Brady Giglio: What Justice Professionals Need to Know

In Brady v. Maryland, United States v. Giglio, and a series of subsequent cases, the U.S. Supreme Court placed affirmative duties on prosecutors, and later law enforcement, to disclose exculpatory information to criminal defense counsel. In this webinar, the presenter will explore the history and evolution of these cases to get to the newest issue being litigated in courts throughout the country: the impact of disciplinary actions against public employees and the government’s Brady/Giglio obligations.

Webinar - San Francisco DA’s Office Victim Services Division

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys is partnering with the National Center for Victims of Crime and the San Francisco, California District Attorney's Office (SFDA) to offer a webinar on SFDA’s Victim Services Division. The mission of the SFDA Victim Services Division is to help victims of crime mitigate their trauma, navigate the criminal justice system, and rebuild their lives.

Webinar - Capital Litigation Improvement Project: Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I

The first in the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Webinar Series features presenter Dan Levey of the Arizona Crime Victims Rights Law Group. In “Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I,” Mr. Levey will share his personal and professional experiences on the subject of victims in capital litigation, shedding light on the strengths, as well as the gaps, of the system.

Webinar - An Approach to High Lethality Domestic Violence Offenders: The Accountability Court Model

In “An Approach to High Lethality Domestic Violence Offenders: The Accountability Court Model,” supervising officers, judges, and attorneys will be exposed to the important elements of risk assessment, monitoring, communication, and community stakeholders in the function of supervising high-lethality offenders in a high-lethality accountability court or on a specialized domestic violence high-risk caseload.

Course objectives include:

Mindfulness in Domestic Violence Work: Working with Victims (Part I)

Although utilizing trauma-informed principles is a beneficial tool when successfully serving clients who are victims of domestic violence and sexual violence, going a step further by being mindful will get you that much further with this population. This webinar will examine why being self-aware of our own judgments, beliefs and attitudes is so important in our work with victims. More importantly, it is this awareness that could have a profound impact on our work within this field – it could be the difference between life or death for the victims we serve.

Self-Care for Justice Professionals

This webinar will begin by discussing the impact that trauma work has on the brain and body and present interventions that a person can do to mitigate these effects. The presentation will also discuss the personality types that are drawn to trauma work and working with other people’s trauma, and the self-care interventions appropriate for them. The webinar will end with guidance on developing a personalized self-care plan.
