Tribal Justice

Tribal Workshops at the 2017 NADCP Conference

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) will present two to five workshops at the 2017 National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Annual Conference. In addition, TLPI will facilitate the Tribal Nations Forum, participate in several technical assistance and national advisory meetings, and meet with individual Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts in attendance that request one-on-one meetings.

Workshops at the Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference

As part of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute's (TLPI) grant objective to present at regional and statewide drug court conferences, TLPI will present three workshops at the Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals Problem-Solving Courts Conference: Relapse Prevention and After Care, Tribal-State Court Collaboration, and Incorporating Custom into Healing to Wellness Court.

Webinar: The Tribal Key Components and the Adult Drug Court Standards

The Tribal Key Components form the foundation of all tribal drug courts. The Adult Drug Court Standards represent the latest research-based best practices for what works within the drug court setting. Applicants for Wellness Court federal funding are now being asked to abide by both documents. This webinar will overview both the key components and the Standards, and discuss how they inter-relate.

Webinar: CTAS FY 2017: Funding Opportunities for Healing to Wellness Courts (12/8/16)

This webinar provides a brief overview of Healing to Wellness Court funding opportunities available within the FY 2017 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). This webinar focuses primarily on purpose areas 3 and 8, which can include funding for adult, family, and juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts. The webinar details the CTAS application process, important considerations, grant writing tips, and available technical assistance providers.

IASAP CAPPS: Regional Prior Lake, MN

When risk factors affect the health, safety and quality of life; it takes a community response to positively impact change. Successful IASAP planning requires interagency cooperation and community member involvement. Interagency cooperation and community involvement in problem identification and development of effective strategies are significant for making changes and improvements. This training is designed to help executive teams develop and implement comprehensive interagency action plans based on community needs.

Regional Training #3: Strength-Based Approaches to Supervising High Risk Populations

This training will provide tribal probation officers with insight on the unique needs of specialized offender populations including the mentally ill, alcohol and substance abusing offenders, and domestic violence offenders. Tips, tools, and techniques for effective case management of these populations will be explored, and participants will have the opportunity to practice skills through hands-on training, interactive scenarios, and role plays.

Webinar: CTAS FY 2017: Funding Opportunities for Healing to Wellness Courts (12/15/16)

This webinar provides a brief overview of Healing to Wellness Court funding opportunities available within the FY 2017 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). This webinar focuses primarily on purpose areas 3 and 8, which can include funding for adult, family, and juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts. The webinar details the CTAS application process, important considerations, grant writing tips, and available technical assistance providers. Representatives from the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will be available to answer questions.

On Tuesday, November 29, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the opening of the fiscal year (FY) 2017 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). This solicitation will provide comprehensive funding to American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and tribal consortia to support public safety, victim services, and crime prevention.

WRAP: A Problem-Solving Therapy for RSAT Clients with Co-Occurring Disorders

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will discuss an evidence-based program called Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). WRAP provides an example of a Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) that can help RSAT clients organize lists of wellness tools that help them feel better in response to mental health difficulties; it can also be utilized to prevent the onset of such difficulties. WRAP assists in the creation, in advance, of directives to guide clinicians and other supporters in how best to intervene when clients can’t act appropriately on their own behalf.

NCJA Webinar - Improving Community Policing with Intelligence Led Public Safety

With ever-changing technology in public safety, how does your agency manage its data and the data coming in from the community? Join Motorola Solutions Practitioners to discover how your agencies data combined with community engagement can improve the safety of your city by using Intelligence Public Safety Solutions. 

