Juvenile Justice

Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition, Comprehensive Tribal Sex Trafficking Technical Assistance, Mending the Sacred Hoop Comprehensive and Domestic Violence Tribal Technical Assistance, Men as Peacemakers, and the Tribal Law and Policy Institute extend an invitation to attend the Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country at El Conquistador Tucson, A Hilton Resort, located in Tucson, Arizona on January 28 – 30, 2020.

Providing Forensic Healthcare and Support to Native Communities

In this webinar, the presenter will discuss factors that forensic examiners should be aware of when providing trauma-informed, culturally appropriate services to American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. The presenter will review relevant laws for forensic examiners and explains various jurisdictional factors affecting examinations, chain of custody, and prosecution. Additionally, she will discuss types of healthcare services that may be available to AI/AN populations and provides further resources for healthcare provider training, clinical support, and survivor outreach.

Interrogation Techniques for Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation Investigations

Through an in-depth study of the entire interrogation process, learn the conversational approach to the suspect interview to obtain a full confession in child exploitation, child maltreatment, and other victim-related crimes. Critical stages of the interrogation process will be broken down into sections of the process, to include suspect rights, pre-interrogation interview, cumulative confrontation, and closing the interrogation. These points will be demonstrated with video examples and practical interactive case studies.

Law Enforcement Investigative Response to Child Sex Trafficking Specialized Training

Understand, recognize, and investigate cases involving child sex trafficking and exploitation. Learn the dynamics of trafficking and exploitation to improve skills related to interviewing the victim and interrogating the trafficker. Focus on the survivor’s perspective and changing perceptions regarding trafficking victims. Instruction will focus on:

Recognizing the Signs of Victimization in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This webinar will examine the concept of traumatic stress as it relates to children and adolescents who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This webinar is meant to be a second part to Dr. Wesley Dotson’s discussion on ASD. As a result, the focus will not be on ASD but on ASD and trauma. The webinar will start with the basics of trauma-informed care for children and adolescents, as well as how trauma and stress responses affect a person’s neurology and how to regulate this response more efficiently.

The Office of Justice Programs recently launched an upgraded America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alert Website. It features a description of the AMBER Alert in Indian Country Initiative, which was developed to assist tribal communities in integrating their AMBER alert systems with state and regional systems. The updated site also offers new publications, statistics, points of contact, and other valuable resources.

Conducting Child Abuse Investigations (Newport, Rhode Island)

Gather up-to-date information for the investigation and prosecution of all types of child abuse cases utilizing a multidisciplinary team approach. Learn about medical evidence, interviewing child victims/witnesses and adult suspects/witnesses, along with legal issues involved in the investigation and prosecution of child physical and sexual abuse cases.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

MOU and MOA Drafting - Strategies for Creating Effective Partnerships

This Community of Practice webinar is one of a series of monthly webinars meant to encourage open dialog among participants. All phone lines/microphones are open to allow participants to ask questions and discuss the topic with each other, with facilitators guiding the conversation. This is funded by award 2016-IC-BX-K002 for the Tribal Justice Systems Planning Project.

Understanding the Darknet

As the Internet continues to evolve, new layers populate where offenders commit criminal offenses. One such area is the Darknet. Participants will learn about the Darknet, how potential criminal activity is facilitated on the Darknet, and why this knowledge is crucial to investigating and prosecuting child exploitation cases. Additionally, participants will learn how to access other locations on the Darknet.
