Substance Abuse/Drugs

Saving a Life Twice: The Naloxone Plus Solution to Reducing Overdoses and Connecting to Treatment

The Bureau of Justice Assistance, in collaboration with the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) team, is hosting the "Saving a Life Twice: The Naloxone Plus Solution to Reducing Overdoses and Connecting to Treatment" webinar on March 21, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. Attendees will learn how the Naloxone Plus framework can help "safe a life twice"  first, by reviving someone who has overdosed, and second, by connecting him or her to treatment...

The Bureau of Justice Assistance recently released 42 new solicitations seeking applications from training and technical assistance providers to work in a host of areas ranging from prosecution reform to anti-terrorism training. See below for a list of the fiscal year (FY) 2018 solicitations and the associated deadlines. This page is updated as new solicitations are released.

The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) is seeking nominations for its annual Outstanding Criminal Justice Program (OCJP) Awards, which will recognize five programs for effectively addressing crime- and justice-related issues. Specifically, NCJA requests nominations for innovative programs that have used promising practices to produce concrete results in their communities. OCJP Award winners will be honored at the 2018 National Forum on Criminal Justice in Fort Worth, Texas.

Join the Justice Clearinghouse for the webinar “Leveraging Cloud Technology to Address the Opioid Epidemic in your Community: The Opioid Prevention and Intervention Intelligence System” on Thursday, February 22 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET.

Leveraging Cloud Technology to Address the Opioid Epidemic in your Community: The Opioid Prevention and Intervention Intelligence System

Addressing the opioid epidemic at scale requires the coordination of health and social services professionals, law enforcement, criminal justice, and academic and government policy experts. These coordination efforts will rely on the sharing of precision data to help analyze trends and patterns of local and regional opioid drug abuse. Microsoft has put its Cloud and associated technologies at the ready to support all government jurisdictions as well as health, social services, and law enforcement agencies to combat this health services and social services challenge.

Join the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for the webinar “Peer Recovery Support Services – Options, Opportunities, and Challenges for Jurisdictions” on Tuesday, February 27 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. During the webinar, the BJA Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) team will outline how jurisdictions nationwide are using peer recovery support services to address the opioid epidemic.

Webinar - Peer Recovery Support Services – Options, Opportunities, and Challenges for Jurisdictions

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) leadership, in collaboration with the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) team, invites you to this no-cost webinar on February 27, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. ET to learn how peer recovery support services are helping jurisdictions across the country address the opioid epidemic, bringing help and hope to individuals and families.

The fiscal year (FY) 2018 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) has purpose areas that include funding for Healing to Wellness Courts. Join the Tribal Law and Policy Institute for the “CTAS FY 2018: Funding Opportunities for Healing to Wellness Courts” on Tuesday, February 6 from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. ET to learn more about these opportunities.

Webinar - CTAS FY 2018: Funding Opportunities for Healing to Wellness Courts

This webinar will provide a brief overview of Healing to Wellness Court funding opportunities available within the fiscal year 2018 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). This webinar focuses primarily on Purpose Areas 3 and 8, which can include funding for adult, family, and juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts. The webinar details the CTAS application process, updates from last year, important considerations for drafting a Wellness Court narrative, general grant writing tips, and available technical assistance.

Join the National Association of Counties for a three-part webinar series to learn about the key areas of local criminal justice systems that most impact counties, as well as strategies for how counties can address those issues to create safer and healthier communities.

View the following sessions on the TTA Catalog to learn more and register:
