Addressing the opioid epidemic at scale requires the coordination of health and social services professionals, law enforcement, criminal justice, and academic and government policy experts. These coordination efforts will rely on the sharing of precision data to help analyze trends and patterns of local and regional opioid drug abuse. Microsoft has put its Cloud and associated technologies at the ready to support all government jurisdictions as well as health, social services, and law enforcement agencies to combat this health services and social services challenge.
Microsoft’s goal is to provide actionable intelligence through its Opioid Prevention and Intervention Intelligence System (OPIIS), helping to stem the tide in America’s most affected areas. Using teams of data scientists, data architects, integration specialists, business process analysts, and developers and project managers, they have developed a framework that helps state and local experts in three key ways:
Short-term: Reduce the number of opioid deaths and the number of prescribed opiates.
Interim: Improve outcomes of the health and human services (HHS) provider network to address the epidemic.
Long-term: Help control the epidemic and opioid-related deaths and turn it into a manageable HHS concern instead of an additional strain on law enforcement and the HHS system.
For more information, read an interview with the presenter, Al Smith, Microsoft.