Law Enforcement

Webinar - Forensics at the Speed of Crime

Transformational forensics is a concept in which there is a commitment on the part of forensic science laboratories to collaborate with clients and stakeholders to identify needed change and creating a vision to guide that change so that our communities can become safer places for all to have an opportunity to reach their potential. With respect to gun-related crime, the chief need for the investigators is to have reliable, comprehensive, and timely intelligence with respect to the shooting activity that is occurring in the streets, an activity that is best determined using forensics.

Leveraging Social Media Analysis to Aid Investigations: A Police Foundation Webinar

The Police Foundation, through its National Resource and Technical Assistance Center for Improving Law Enforcement Investigations, is excited to announce our upcoming webinar, “Leveraging Social Media Analysis to Aid Investigations.” Highly experienced Pennsylvania State Police Crime Analyst Brandi Buckles will share strategies and provide practical guidance for analysts to help them improve social media analysis techniques and outcomes to aid investigations.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a key partner of law enforcement in resolving cases regarding missing and exploited children, including cases related to child pornography (CP).

Webinar - The NCMEC Safeguard Program: A Model for Developing Your Resiliency Program

This webinar will discuss the steps necessary to support a healthy staff environment from the initial employment interview process, through training, employment, end of employment, and post-employment follow-up. A combination of research and case examples support the presentation.

  • Technical Level: Basic.
  • The following are encouraged to attend: detectives, forensic interviewers, sexual assault nurse examiners, victim advocates, juvenile court personnel, prosecutors, and other child-serving professionals.

Attend this webinar to:

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) recently released the report, “National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach.” This report was developed in accordance with the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting (SAFER) Act of 2013, which charged NIJ with developing national best practices and protocols on the collection and processing of DNA evidence, specifically in sexual assault cases.
