Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Feb 20 2018)

This training will heighten awareness law enforcement suicide prevention, helping participants to understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency. This training is designed for law enforcement trainers who wish to teach a block of instruction on suicide prevention and intervention techniques within a law enforcement setting.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Jan 2018)

This training will heighten awareness of suicide prevention within the law enforcement profession, helping participants to understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency. This training is designed for law enforcement trainers who wish to teach a block of instruction on suicide prevention and intervention techniques within a law enforcement setting.

CyberSecurity 110 - Understanding Digital Footprints (Oct 2017)

This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information. Topics include:

  • Limiting an individual's digital footprint;
  • Protecting privacy on social media;
  • The consequences of oversharing personal information; and
  • Steps to take after becoming a target of doxxing.

Cyber Investigation 156 - Post Seizure Evidentiary Concerns - LC6 WB (Oct 2017)

In contrast to the other courses in this series, which deal primarily with the acquisition of digital evidence, "Cyber Investigation 156 - Post Seizure Evidentiary Concerns" (LC6WB) addresses legal issues that appear relatively late in the investigative and judicial process. Topics include:

Pharmaceutical Crime - Advanced Investigative Techniques (Feb 2018)

This course is for the detective who is assigned to a pharmaceutical crime unit or investigation. This course will address the crimes associated with pharmaceutical drug diversion, criminal methods, investigative techniques, evidence collection, and the importance of involving a prosecutor at the onset to prepare the case for successful prosecution.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Tools for the Street (Feb 2018)

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem, the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.

Cyber Investigation 155 - Online Undercover - LC5WB

November 1 - November 30, 2017- 12 am to 12 pm - This course provides a legal overview of what investigators are and are not permitted to do while conducting online undercover investigations. Topics include terms of service, entrapment and outrageous government misconduct, and wiretapping law as it relates to the recording and documenting of online activities. This course also covers defense strategies commonly used to counter online undercover investigations.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Tools for the Street (Jan 2018)

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem, the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.
