Law Enforcement

Expand and Integrate Law Enforcement Relevant Data 101: A How To Guide for Investigators and Analysts

Data exists in a multitude of locations and formats all throughout law enforcement agencies. While most agencies rely heavily on computer aided dispatch and records management systems, there are other data sources within law enforcement agencies, external law enforcement agencies, government entities, and corporations which are relevant and can be utilized in crimefighting efforts. This webinar will provide concrete examples of such data types and methods of and barriers to integration.

Next Wednesday, October 3, the Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) will collaborate with the Hawthorne, California Police Department (PD) and law enforcement agencies nationwide to recognize the third annual National Coffee with a Cop Day. The mission of National Coffee with a Cop Day is to reduce barriers between police and the public and to increase public safety.

Join the Justice Clearinghouse for the webinar “Planning, Designing and Constructing a Public Safety Facility: A Case Study” on Thursday, September 27 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, participants will learn strategies and best practices for planning, designing, and building public safety facilities.

Webinar - Planning, Designing and Constructing a Public Safety Facility: A Case Study

Construction of a new public safety facility is a rare occurrence for most agencies. The person tasked as project owner or manager may have little or no experience in this area because it is often a once-in-a-career situation. This case study of constructing the Chandler Public Safety Training Center will assist law enforcement planners and others that are given this type of opportunity with an overview of constructing a contemporary facility. Following this webinar, participants will know:

Webinar - Understanding Girls and the Juvenile Justice System – A Review of Recent National Data

Participants will learn about available data resources relating to victimization of and offending by girls, and the juvenile justice system’s response to law-violating behavior involving girls. The presenters will demonstrate information available from online data analysis and dissemination tools, with examples of the practical application and use of this information for policy and practice. Participants will have time to ask questions about the data resources and their own data needs and uses.
