Justice Information Sharing

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) is a 100% Native American operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Enhancing and Promoting Tribal Courts, Tribal Justice Systems, and Intergovernmental Collaboration
  • Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
  • Enhancing Tribal-Federal-State-Local Collaborations

School of Criminal Justice: Michigan State University

The School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU) is the nation’s oldest continuous degree-granting program in criminal justice. Since 1935, MSU has been a leader in criminal justice scholarship with its pioneering research, undergraduate, and graduate education and engaged collaboration with criminal justice agencies, the private sector, and communities locally and abroad.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

The mission of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation is to support the neighborhood revitalization efforts of community groups by providing them with financing (e.g., grants, loans, and equity capital), technical and management assistance, training opportunities, and policy support.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • CVI in Schools: A New Approach to STOP School Violence
  • Building Capacity for Safer Communities
  • Building CVI Resources for a Stronger Field
  • Building Lasting Capacity for Violent Crime Reduction in Rural Communities

National American Indian Court Judges Association

The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is a national association comprised of tribal justice personnel and others devoted to supporting and strengthening tribal justice systems through education, information-sharing, and advocacy. NAICJA is a nonprofit corporation established in 1969 as a corporation in the State of Delaware following the enactment of the federal Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. The Act required tribes to follow certain requirements similar to those in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • FY18-20 Holistic Defense Pilot TTA

Police Executive Research Forum

Founded in 1976 as a nonprofit organization, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) is a police research organization and a provider of management services, technical assistance, and executive-level education to support law enforcement agencies. PERF helps improve the delivery of police services through the exercise of strong national leadership, public debate of police and criminal justice issues, and research and policy development.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • National Training and Technical Assistance Project on Reducing Violent Crime

National Police Institute

The purpose of the National Policing Institute is to help the police be more effective in doing their job, whether it be deterring robberies, intervening in potentially injurious family disputes, or working to improve relationships between the police and the communities they serve. To accomplish their mission, they work closely with police officers and police agencies across the country, and it is in their hard work and contributions that their accomplishments are rooted.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA Digital Trust
  • Expanding the Reach and Impact of the 30x30 Initiative
  • Crisis Intervention and Effective De-escalation: Building a National Model for Police Standards and Training
  • National Law Enforcement Roadway Safety Program (NLERSP)
  • Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative TTA Provider
  • National Law Enforcement Learning Lab
  • CGIC-Improving Investigations

Council of State Governments


Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments (CSG) is the nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled international, national, and regional opportunities to network, develop leaders, collaborate, and create problem-solving partnerships. CSG's national headquarters is in Lexington, Kentucky.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • CSG Justice Center to Lead National Demonstration of Integrated Treatment for People with Co-occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
  • Council of State Government Justice Center applying to provide training and technical assistance to states under the Justice Reinvestment Initiative FY24
  • Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Category 1: National Reentry Resource Center
  • Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Category 3: Heath and Housing
  • Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance: Education and Employment
  • CSGJC helping communities nationally to adopt and scale evidence-based and data-driven approaches to ensure successful reentry for people with substance use disorders and other complex needs
  • CSGJC assisting law enforcement and behavioral health partners to design, develop & implement model response programs: Connect and Protect grantees and field
  • CSGJC providing TTA to supervision and reentry agencies to improve evidence-based service and support provision, track outcomes, and use data and technology to improve reentry and supervision outcomes
  • CSGJC providing training and technical assistance to JMHCP grantees to facilitate cross-system collaboration to increase access to mental health treatment, recovery supports, and needed services
  • CSGJC providing TTA to enhance law enforcement services and response to people with mental health disorders and substance use disorders, supporting state and local capacity for jurisdictions and field
  • CSGJC to continue to build Justice Counts infrastructure and momentum and to support implementation for grantee states
  • CSGJC setting standards for, and improving of, corrections departments’ analytical capacity to enable more informed planning and decision making to improve prison operations
  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-level Training and Technical Assistance - Assisting Two States
  • Supporting Health, Home, and Family for Comprehensive Reentry
  • FY 19 Data-Led Governing
  • Enhancing Reentry Efforts in Tribal Communities
  • Innovations in Supervision Initiative - JC

Community Resources for Justice

The Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) bridges the gap between research and practice with data-driven solutions that drive bold, transformative improvements in criminal and juvenile justice systems. CJI works with local, state, tribal, and national criminal justice organizations, providing nonpartisan policy analysis, implementation consulting, capacity building assistance, and research services to advance evidence-based practices and create systems-level change.

Some of CJI’s major projects include:

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-level Training and Technical Assistance
  • Restrictive Housing Reform Implementation Assistance Program
  • BJA FY 21 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-level Training and Technical Assistance Program
  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative: National Training and Technical Assistance

Center for Court Innovation

The Center for Court Innovation seeks to help create a more effective and humane justice system by designing and implementing operating programs, performing original research, and providing reformers around the world with the tools they need to launch new strategies.

Operating Programs

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Center for Court Innovation State-Based Adult Drug Court TTA

Justice Information Resource Network

The Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN) is a national nonprofit organization of state Statistical Analysis Center directors and other researchers and practitioners throughout government, academia, and the justice community who are dedicated to the use of research and analysis to make informed policy and program decisions.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA FY 23 Department of Justice Death in Custody Act -Training and Technical Assistance Center
  • FY 2021 Smart Suite Training and Technical Assistance Program
