
Join the Justice Clearinghouse for the webinar “Social Network Analysis: An Innovative Tool to Maximize NIBIN Leads” on Thursday, June 7 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, participants will learn how social network analysis (SNA) can be applied to criminal justice data – including leads from the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) – to better understand violent crime.

Social Network Analysis: An Innovative Tool to Maximize NIBIN Leads

Crime and violence are highly socially connected. As criminal justice practitioners continue to learn about the small percent of the population responsible for the majority of violence, they have to use data analysis tools to focus resources (prevention, intervention, and enforcement) on the small world of people at high risk for being involved in violence, either as offenders or victims. This webinar will examine how social network analysis (SNA) can be applied to criminal justice data to better understand the small world of violence.

Child Protector App: An Investigative and Educational Tool

Learn more about Child Protector, a free application designed to improve the investigative, administrative, and judicial handling of child physical abuse cases, as well as child fatalities, in a manner that reduces trauma to the child and family.

To Serve, Protect, and Treat: Law Enforcement and Treatment Courts, NDCRC Webinar

Law enforcement is often the first point of contact for those with substance use disorders. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million individuals arrested each year are at risk of substance dependence. Treatment courts strive to combine effective justice approaches with clinical services, and law enforcement officers are vital to achieving this goal.

Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program FY 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement Webinar

During this webinar, Gregory Torain, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Policy Advisor, will review the fiscal year 2018 BJA Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program Solicitation guidelines and will be available to answer questions. Moderator: Preeti Menon, Senior Associate Director, Justice Programs Office.


Overcoming Victim/Witness Intimidation: Innovative Prosecutor Tools and Techniques

The ability to gain victim/witness cooperation for a successful prosecution, despite intimidation, is a significant challenge faced by prosecutors across the country. Webinar speaker John Delaney, former First Assistant District Attorney of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania District Attorney's Office, is no stranger to this reality. Mr. Delaney has more than 35 years of experience as a prosecutor, and will share effective tools and techniques to help overcome victim/witness intimidation challenges.
