
Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Mass Shootings and Victim Considerations

“Mass Shootings and Victim Considerations” focuses on a topical and complex subject that is likely at the forefront of many prosecutors’ minds. In this presentation, District Attorney George Brauchler, widely known as the prosecutor of James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado gunman, will home in on the issues district attorneys face while prosecuting mass shootings cases. He will provide anecdotal insights and lessons learned along the way.

Ethics and Human Bias: The Co-Existence of ABA Model Rule 3.8 and Human Bias

ABA Model Rule 3.8 sets forth a prosecutor’s ethical responsibilities. How does a prosecutor’s inherent humanness – and their susceptibility to the influences of implicit bias and confirmation bias – impact their ability to meet their duty under Rule 3.8 and fulfill their role as a Minister of Justice?


Join the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) for their webinar “Mitigating Mental Health Defenses” on November 18, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. First Assistant Ed McCann of the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Office will explore various mental health defenses in capital cases and how prosecutors can effectively counter them.

Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Mitigating Mental Health Defenses

In “Mitigating Mental Health Defenses,” First Assistant Ed McCann of the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Office will explore various mental health defenses in capital cases and how prosecutors can effectively counter them. A career prosecutor who has been on the front lines of many high-profile cases, McCann will provide webinar viewers with anecdotal insights and practical tools to take straight into trial. This presentation is intended for prosecutors, prosecution teams, victim advocates, and law enforcement personnel.

Conducting Child Abuse Investigations (Newport, Rhode Island)

Gather up-to-date information for the investigation and prosecution of all types of child abuse cases utilizing a multidisciplinary team approach. Learn about medical evidence, interviewing child victims/witnesses and adult suspects/witnesses, along with legal issues involved in the investigation and prosecution of child physical and sexual abuse cases.

Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

Champlain College Incorporated

Founded in 1878, Champlain College® is a small, not-for-profit, private college overlooking Lake Champlain and Burlington, Vermont, with additional campuses in Montreal, Canada, and Dublin, Ireland. Our career-driven approach to higher education prepares students for their professional life from their very first semester.

Champlain College educates adaptable thinkers, daring change-makers, and inclusive innovators who shape professions and inspire communities. 
