Breaking the Triage Myth: The importance of Time to First Evidence

Tuesday May 23, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:15am UTC
Event Description: 

Digital forensics veterans Alan McConnell and Jeff Bell will discuss the importance of triage in investigations and its role in quickly finding and prioritizing evidence in this webinar. We will get into the idea of true triage, which centers on quickly locating evidence and moving the investigation forward FAST. We will discuss some of the issues with current thoughts regarding triage and how thorough block level hashing can help solve them. True triage tools utilizing cutting-edge technologies can drastically improve case turnaround times, cut investigator time on scene, and cut costs while simultaneously clearing out evidence backlogs. We will demonstrate some of the available technologies that can facilitate your digital forensics investigations and present real-world instances of the advantages we have discussed. Come learn how to conduct more efficient investigations at this training event by employing true triage with cutting-edge technology.

4901 Dickens Rd. Suite 110
Richmond, VA 23230
United States
Event Cost Information
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Organizer Information
Event POC: 
Julie Mills
Event POC Email: 
Event POC Phone: 