
Webinar – Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice: Supporting Youth Across Systems

Nationally, an estimated 78 percent of young people who have experienced homelessness report that they have also had at least one interaction with law enforcement, while 44 percent have spent time in a jail or detention facility. Participants will learn about ways that communities can better support young people who find themselves at the intersections of youth homelessness and juvenile justice to ensure that youth do not have unnecessary contact with the juvenile justice system and that if they do come in contact with the justice system, that they exit to safe, stable, and secure housing.

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences

AIR is one of the world's largest behavioral and social science research and evaluation organizations. Our overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches to enhancing everyday life. AIR's mission is to conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving people's lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged.

Within the United States and internationally, AIR will be the preeminent organization that

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • National Reentry Resource Center Training and Technical Assistance

The Moss Group, Inc.

The Moss Group, Inc. is a Washington, DC-based criminal justice consulting firm dedicated to helping state, local, federal, and private organizations in achieving organizational excellence. We specialize in developing strategic solutions to sensitive issues facing correctional administrators, executives, and leaders. We address complex and emerging issues through training and technical assistance, and have worked in all 50 states.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Improving Institutional Corrections Training Academy Training

Webinar - From Child Welfare to the Juvenile Justice System: Disrupting the Abuse to Prison Pipeline For Girls

This webinar will examine how experiences of gendered violence create pathways for girls into the juvenile justice system, with an emphasis on crossover from the child welfare system into the juvenile justice system and how girls in the child welfare system are more susceptible to sexual exploitation.

Webinar - A Day in the Life: How Exposure to Community Violence Affects Children

This webinar will describe the many risks of harm (short term and long term) for children exposed to violence in their community. As rates of violent crime continue to increase in many communities across the United States, child-serving professionals across all disciplines must gain greater insight into the damaging effects of exposure to these incidents, on the children who reside there. With a focus on the emotionally damaging nature of this exposure, outcome differences by race, gender, age, and the nature and frequency of community violence exposure will be discussed.

Webinar - The Impact of Trauma on Child Development: What Justice Professionals Need to Know

This webinar will begin with a brief overview of the impact of trauma on an adult brain and body as a point of comparison. Information is then provided on the specific impact on children. The information will then show how the developmental impact affects behavior at different ages, even into adulthood. The concepts of intergenerational trauma and fetal programming are also presented.

Webinar - Death Notification when Children are Involved: Trauma-informed Strategies for Delivering the Most Difficult News to the Most Vulnerable

In this webinar, law enforcement professionals and child trauma experts team up to provide law enforcement professionals with useful guidance regarding the challenging task of death notification involving children. Key steps that should be taken will be reviewed and frequent challenges that arise will be discussed. Presenters will share their experiences with this work and respond to questions from the audience.

Webinar - Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents in School

This webinar will focus on the needs of children who have a parent who is incarcerated. The presenters will concentrate on how schools and school personnel can support the child, his/her caregiver, and parent in a positive manner.
