Training Delivery - Webinar

Title IX Live Chat

The Office for Victims of Crime's (OVC) Legal Assistance for Crime Victims Initiative is collaborating with the Victim Rights Law Center to host a live chat on Title IX issues.

If you attended OVC's two recent Title IX webinars, "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims" and "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault," we invite you to attend our live chat session in August.

Responding to the Misuse and Abuse of Social Media in Criminal Cases

Research has shown that the majority of people, youth and adults, engage with some type of social media. While social media has many positive uses, it can also be misused and abused by criminals in many crimes, particularly in cases of stalking and dating/domestic violence.

OJJDP NTTAC Webinar - Legal Challenges to Medical Testimony

Medical testimony at trial can be impacted in many ways. Pretrial motions and challenges at trial can shape and potentially narrow the scope of the intended testimony. This session will cover those legal issues, discussing common pretrial motions including Daubert, Frye and hearsay challenges. The speakers will review the components of a variety of motions and identify the ways in which forensic nurses and other medical professionals can discuss their professional roles and responsibilities so as to not inadvertently limit their capacity to testify at trial.

Ethics and Social Media: What Happens When I Post That?

This presentation describes the role of social networking sites in today’s culture and their prevalence in the lives of both adults and children. The unique responsibilities of those in the medical, legal, law enforcement, victim services and advocacy fields are described to highlight common pitfalls of social media use by professionals. The audience sees examples pulled from various media sites that could cause ethical issues. Hypotheticals are given to encourage audience participation and interaction in determining whether social media use crosses an ethical boundary.

NCJA Webinar - Juvenile Etiology and Typologies

This webinar will address two topics: the etiology of sexual offending by juveniles and typologies for juveniles who have committed sexual offenses. The etiological research that will be reviewed in this webinar addresses the causes or origins of juvenile sexual offending, and the pathways related to the development, onset, and maintenance of sexually abusive behavior in this population.

Local Overdose Fatality Review Teams

Case review provides an interesting lens through which to better understand causes of death and unique trends, and to determine innovative ways to prevent future similar deaths. To address a heightening overdose crisis, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene led efforts to apply the process of case review to drug and alcohol overdose deaths through the formation of multidisciplinary teams coordinated by local health departments. The webinar will focus on the origin of the program, implementation process, and notable outcomes.

Balancing Collaboration, Confidentiality and Privilege on Human Trafficking Cases - Webinar 2

The prevalence of human trafficking across the country is widespread—spanning small, rural jurisdictions to sprawling cities—and affects both domestic and foreign-born children and adults. Because of the coercive and violent nature of human trafficking, it is common for victims to experience overlapping forms of victimization, particularly domestic violence and sexual assault. Yet, many survivors are unrecognized, criminalized, or do not receive adequate services to address their complex needs.
