Training Delivery - Webinar

Investigators, Examiners, and Analysts Working Remotely: Police and Prosecutor COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities

The ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have resulted in social distancing and even isolation of both the general population and public safety professionals. This new remote workspace and workflow reality with safeguards for minimizing human interaction while accessing agency critical facilities, combined with cancellation of face-to-face training events has led to a range of challenges. It has also presented a number of opportunities to identify new efficiencies and modalities for operations and training both during this ongoing scenario and possibly beyond. This webinar will examine these topics and provide information to address challenges and benefit from opportunities.

Coronavirus: Fighting Scams and Fraud During a Global Pandemic

This webinar will give current information on identifying and responding to scams and fraud amidst a pandemic. Information from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) will be referenced throughout this webinar. 

COVID-19 Briefing for Law Enforcement Executives

The National Police Foundation (NPF), Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) are collaborating together to provide a COVID-19 briefing for law enforcement executives from the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and Public Health Service (PHS).

Webinar - Follow the Money: FinCrime Investigation Case Studies

Money laundering is a global, trillion-dollar crime that extends into all areas of commerce. Money laundering is not just a standalone crime, but is also a symptom of additional crimes that generate illicit proceeds. Whether due to lone wolf criminals, transnational organized crime, or international corruption, it can be challenging to prove money laundering as both a factual matter and as part of a criminal prosecution. 

This webinar will outline not only the essential elements of a criminal case of money laundering, but also examine how additional charges can be brought to flush out the elements of that charge. Learners will get a better understanding of the prosecutor's approach to money laundering (and its related crimes), as well as tools to follow the transactions that can substantiate such a charge. By moving from academic to applied subject matter, learners will gain insight into how to both trace illicit assets and to prepare their findings for criminal cases. The webinar will rely on real-world examples of financial crime and explain how cases like those can be further built out by investigators, analysts, and compliance officers.

Webinar – Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Jury Selection

In “Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Jury Selection,” Sheila Ross of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia will share her years of insight and experience with the capital case jury selection process, providing attendees with a practical toolkit to immediately apply to their next trial.

This presentation is suitable for all levels of experience.

This webinar is part of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series.

Webinar – Partnerships to Address Labor Trafficking: How to Build Multidisciplinary Team

The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) and the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) invite you to their webinar “Partnerships to Address Labor Trafficking: How to Build a Multidisciplinary Team.”

Investigators will benefit from learning about practices and innovative strategies for investigating and addressing labor trafficking cases. Establishing trusted multidisciplinary relationships can lead to significant progress in identifying, apprehending, and convicting labor traffickers while safeguarding the lives of victims and their families.

Webinar - Of Eggplants and Umbrellas: The Legal and Investigative Implications of Emojis

This webinar, presented by cyber crime attorneys and a former prosecutor, discusses investigative uses of emojis, particularly in the context of child exploitation, and the legal context of this growing medium, including current case law and implications for practice.

Webinar – Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice: Supporting Youth Across Systems

Nationally, an estimated 78 percent of young people who have experienced homelessness report that they have also had at least one interaction with law enforcement, while 44 percent have spent time in a jail or detention facility. Participants will learn about ways that communities can better support young people who find themselves at the intersections of youth homelessness and juvenile justice to ensure that youth do not have unnecessary contact with the juvenile justice system and that if they do come in contact with the justice system, that they exit to safe, stable, and secure housing.

Webinar - Checkm8 & CheckRa1n: New Tools for iOS Extractions

If anything about mobile forensics could be considered buzzworthy in the past year, it would be the release of the Checkm8 Boot ROM exploit created by axi0mX in October. Allowing critical access to 11 generations of iPhones and iDevices, Checkm8 is a new opportunity to access data previously locked behind a secure wall. But beyond the hype, what data can you actually access using this newfound exploit, and what do you do once you've extracted data using Checkm8? In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits, challenges, and usefulness of Checkm8 and Checkra1n to mobile forensic examiners and investigators. We will also explore how examiners can use Checkra1n to gain access to devices and what that access means in practical terms for investigations.
