Training Delivery - Webinar

Webinar: Mobile Device Vulnerability Discovery and Exploit Development: A Primer

Mobile device forensics often takes center stage during investigations and criminal intelligence operations involving digital devices. The capability of these devices is nearly as impressive as the quantity of them. However, recently the burden on examiners is increasing due to lack of lawful access and the need for examiners to rely more heavily on lesser amounts of data available for analysis. This webinar directly answers two of the underlying questions at the forefront of many discussions:

  1. Why are we unable to gain lawful access to locked devices as we once were?
  2. Why do our tools seem to support fewer devices, yet cost more?

Mobile device forensics often takes center stage during investigations and criminal intelligence operations involving digital devices. The capability of these devices is nearly as impressive as the quantity of them. However, recently the burden on examiners is increasing due to lack of lawful access and the need for examiners to rely more heavily on lesser amounts of data available for analysis. This webinar directly answers two of the underlying questions at the forefront of many discussions:

  1. Why are we unable to gain lawful access to locked devices as we once were?
  2. Why do our tools seem to support fewer devices, yet cost more?

This webinar will focus on the process of mobile device vulnerability discovery and research with special attention given to threat modeling and the specific use of lawful access in a global market. Presenters will highlight examples of publicly disclosed mobile device vulnerabilities and provide them to participants for further reading. Vulnerability discovery, however, is only half of the equation. An exploit needs to be developed to leverage the discovered vulnerability. Presenters will explain a holistic approach to mobile device exploit development and will show participants examples of public exploits for mobile devices and connections to capabilities they may already be familiar with.

Webinar: Finding the Unfindable: Advanced Cyber Investigative Techniques

This webinar will cover the skills necessary to perform cyber investigations using legal and open source data. Attendees will learn how to uncover criminal networks through intelligence collection. Attendees will look at a range of techniques for finding the "who done it?" from obtaining more evidence, to looking through the eyes of the criminal and discovering how they chose and researched their victim. The webinar will provide a roadmap on how to complete these tasks in an efficient and cost-effective manner, all while protecting the civil rights of those law enforcement are committed to protect. The National Child Protection Task Force provides ongoing consultation, assistance, and guidance as needed to implement this training. The webinar is designed for everyone from senior cyber and homicide investigators to new investigators, prosecutors, analysts, supervisors, and everyone in between.

Webinar: NDCAC Resources for Law Enforcement in the Digital Age

The National Domestic Communications Assistance Center (NDCAC) is a national center established under the U.S. Department of Justice designed to help facilitate technical knowledge management and to foster the sharing of solutions and know-how among law enforcement agencies. Their mission is to strengthen law enforcement's relationships with the communications industry, leverage/share the collective technical knowledge and resources of the law enforcement community, and address challenges posed to law enforcement by advanced communications services and technologies. This one-hour webinar will introduce you to the many resources available through NDCAC, which include technical solutions, training, tools, and analytics.

Webinar: Disrupting the Shadow Economy Using Motive-Oriented Crime Suppression

The initial webinar, Shadow Economy 101, examined the critical importance of upholding the rule of law and illustrated how the business of crime does intolerable damage to our communities' economic infrastructure, disenfranchising our most economically vulnerable citizens. In part two of the series, 30-year Phoenix Police Veteran, Detective Sergeant David Lake (ret.) presents the revolutionary investigative methods he leveraged to combat shadow economic crimes in the fifth-largest city in the nation. His "motive-oriented crime suppression" technique was used to reduce crime (caseload) in less time and with fewer resources than traditional, method-centric approaches. Most importantly, it fundamentally disrupted and dismantled the systems that were propagating criminal offenses without aggravating social conditions by relying on police saturation or mass incarceration. Through internal research and case studies, attendees will be exposed to:

  • Alternative case management concepts
  • Techniques for proactive and precision investigations
  • New applications of police intelligence and crime analysis
  • Alternative case management concepts
  • Techniques for proactive and precision investigations
  • New applications of police intelligence and crime analysis

Webinar: Leveraging Technology for Your Fraud and Financial Investigations

In the advent of pandemic, natural disasters, and the increasing number of technology-driven fraud and financial investigations occurring, investigators need to rely on technology more than ever to solve these investigations and become more efficient investigating them. The sheer volume of investigations is allowing thousands of cases to go uninvestigated. Whether it would be stock manipulation, such as GameStop, cryptocurrency, or various applications that track and document expenditures, deposits, and transfers, it is clear we need to leverage technology to be more efficient in conducting these investigations. This webinar will go over techniques that fraudsters use, as well as the implementation of a tool that can help find the evidence you are looking for to leverage technology for your investigations.

Webinar: Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation: Budget Worksheet Completion

The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. The majority of DOJ’s existing tribal government-specific programs are included in and available through this single solicitation.

Webinar: The Trials and Tribulations of Discovering Brady Violations During a CIU Review

This webinar, hosted by the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA), is part of APA’s Conviction Integrity Webinar Series. Presenter Patricia Cummings from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office will discuss the work of Conviction Integrity Units (CIUs) in Dallas and Philadelphia “where CIU prosecutors reviewed files and interviewed witnesses only to discover ‘material’ Brady information that had been suppressed for decades.” Cummings will discuss the challenges that came with pursuing these cases.

The following questions provide context for the webinar:

Webinar: Cultural Considerations When Working Within Indian Country – Part 1

Join the National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College for their webinar “Cultural Considerations When Working Within Indian Country – Part 1” on February 24, 2021 at 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will focus on fostering a better “understanding of the tribal community and its system of shared values, beliefs, and rituals that are learned and passed on through generations” as context for working on missing and exploited children’s cases within Indian Country.

Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics - Panel Discussions

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Team is hosting the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics Panel Discussions. The SAKI website currently hosts the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics web page, which includes pre-recorded webinars and other training materials.
