
NLERSP Webinar - Vehicle Pursuits: Considerations for Improving Officer and Public Safety

Vehicle pursuits pose significant risk of harm to not only the officers and subjects involved, but to every other person traveling on or near the roadways. While some pursuits may be unavoidable, law enforcement must recognize these risks and take action to reduce the possibility of harm. This webinar will explore data on police vehicle pursuits and discuss how policies, technology, and changes in organizational leadership and culture can increase safety for law enforcement officers and communities.

Webinar: Top Resources for Occupational, Nutritional, and Personal Wellness in 2022

Having resources readily available allows you to be successful in wellness! During January's wellness webinar, we discussed top resources for physical, financial, and family wellness. During this webinar, top industry presenters will give you their favorite go-to resources on occupational, nutritional, and personal wellness. We will round out our discussion with additional information on a FREE wellness app that includes many great resources for you, your family, and your agency. Join us and continue to kick off your 2022 wellness with a bang!

Webinar: Handling Informants

There are various ways to gain evidence for investigations whether they are proactive or reactive investigations. Informants prove a vital way to obtain evidence and information for your investigations. Handling Informants and their motivations requires a skillset in dealing with them in your investigations. This webinar will go over how to use informants for your investigations, how to document their information, negate defense arguments and be more efficient. We will discuss motivations, history and how to avoid pitfalls and mistakes.

Webinar: Top Resources for Physical, Financial, and Family Wellness in 2022

Having resources readily available allows you to be successful in wellness! A few of your favorite presenters will give you their top go-to resources on physical, financial, and family wellness. We will round out our discussion by introducing a FREE wellness app that includes all of the resources discussed in the webinar and much, much more. Join us and kick off your 2022 wellness with a bang!

DF101 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Windows Acquisition

This course provides the fundamental knowledge and skills required to acquire forensic backup images of commonly encountered forms of digital evidence (Microsoft Windows based computers and external storage devices) in a forensically sound manner. Presentations and hands-on practical exercises cover topics on storage media and how data is stored, the forensic acquisition process, tool validation, hardware and software write blockers, forensic backup image formats, and multiple forensic acquisition methods. Students will use third party tools, both free and commercial, that are currently used by practitioners in the field.

DF100 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Seizure

This course introduces the information and techniques law enforcement personnel need to safely and methodically collect and preserve digital evidence at a crime scene. Topics include recognizing potential sources of digital evidence; planning and executing a digital evidence-based seizure; and the preservation, packaging, documentation, and transfer of digital evidence.

*Prepare. Prepare to respond to an incident or crime scene where digital evidence may be present.
*Identify. Learn tow to identify relevant sources of digital evidence in an ever-evolving landscape.
*Collect. Learn the proper methods of digital evidence collection.
*Preserve. Build upon the three previous principles to ensure valid and legal preservation of digital evidence can occur.

IA105 Intelligence Writing and Briefing

This course covers basic intelligence writing and briefing principles as well as methods for effective and clear intelligence sharing. Topics covered include creative and critical thinking, critical reading skills, source evaluation, privacy and civil rights, intelligence writing style and structure, and generating and presenting intelligence briefings. With guidance from experienced experts, students gain hands-on experience by working through data sets based on real cases to produce intelligence products. Instructors and peers provide feedback on briefings and reports produced and presented in class.

*Foundational skills. Creative thinking. Critical thinking. Critical reading.
*Information sources. Identify sources of intelligence information. Evaluate sources for validity and reliability.
*Analytical reports. Develop a structured and actionable analytical report based on a data set given in class.
*Privacy considerations. Ensure protection of privacy and civil rights while producing intelligence products.
*Briefings. Construct and deliver an intelligence briefing based on a data set given in class.

FC105 Financial Records Examination and Analysis

This course covers the acquisition, examination, and analysis of many types of financial records, including bank statements and checks, wire transfer records, and business records. Topics include recognizing and investigating common indicators of fraud, using spreadsheets to facilitate analysis and pattern recognition, and financial profiling. There is a strong focus on presenting financial evidence in multiple modalities: spreadsheet data outputs, graphic representations, and written/oral presentations.

*Introduction to analysis. Best practices. Finding patterns. Indicators of fraud. Presenting your findings.
*Financial records. Bank records. Business documents.
*Financial profiling. Methods of profiling. Reasons to create a profile. Creating a profile.
*Hands-on experience. Work a mock financial case as part of an investigative team.

CI101 Basic Cyber Investigations: Digital Footprints

This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individuals digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, and the consequences of oversharing personal information; as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

*Current landscape. Emerging technology and trends that can aid criminals in the commission of identity theft, credit card theft, child exploitation, and production of counterfeit documents.
*Personally identifiable information (PII). Learn what PII is, why it can threaten individuals safety, and the scams and exploits criminals use to obtain it.
*Minimizing your digital footprint. Learn how and why you should remove PII, and how to find where information may be located. Instructors demonstrate how to secure digital devices and request removal of data from a website.
*Social media. Use security and privacy settings to control the amount of available information on multiple platforms.
*Resources. Identify resources that can help victims of identity theft, doxing, and other related crimes.

DF100 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Seizure

This course introduces the information and techniques law enforcement personnel need to safely and methodically collect and preserve digital evidence at a crime scene. Topics include recognizing potential sources of digital evidence; planning and executing a digital evidence-based seizure; and the preservation, packaging, documentation, and transfer of digital evidence.

*Prepare. Prepare to respond to an incident or crime scene where digital evidence may be present.
*Identify. Learn tow to identify relevant sources of digital evidence in an ever-evolving landscape.
*Collect. Learn the proper methods of digital evidence collection.
*Preserve. Build upon the three previous principles to ensure valid and legal preservation of digital evidence can occur.
