
BJA NTTAC Webinar - Increasing Law Enforcement's Analytical Capacity: Analysis of Officer-involved Shooting Incidents

The Police Foundation and the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) are in the second year of an innovative partnership to construct a national officer-involved shooting (OIS) database. Recognizing that the ability to examine OIS incidents across agencies is limited, this OIS data collection initiative seeks to understand OIS trends and their causes and correlates in order to assist law enforcement in maintaining situational awareness of OIS incidents locally and regionally. The ultimate goal is to obtain standardized, national-level data on OIS incidents. With funding from the U.S.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Apr 17 2018)

This eight-hour "Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers" training will heighten awareness and help officers understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Apr 4 2018)

This eight-hour "Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers" training will heighten awareness and help officers understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Mar 2018)

This eight-hour "Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers" training will heighten awareness and help officers understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency.

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Feb 22 2018)

This eight-hour "Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers" training will heighten awareness and help officers understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency.

NDCRC Webinar - Responding to the Opioid Crisis: National and Local Responses

With America’s opioid crisis continuing to rampage throughout the country, no state has been spared. As heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanil continue to infect our communities, what steps can treatment courts take to combat this scourge? Join the National Drug Court Resource Center (NDCRC) for a webinar that will examine federal and local solutions to the crisis.

This webinar will cover:

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #2: The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #2: "The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots"

  • Discuss who trauma impacts and how it presents within the U.S. population.
  • Obtain a deeper understanding about intergenerational trauma, including through the lens of World War II survivors, as told by Viktor Frankl.
  • Examine the link between trauma and criminal behavior.

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #1

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #1: "What is Trauma?"

  • Define trauma and what it means to be trauma-informed.
  • Explore how stress and trauma impact the brain and the primary areas of the brain involved with responses to stress.
  • Review various types of trauma to consider when working with clients (i.e., intergenerational, childhood, and complex trauma).

Webinar: Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices Webinar Series - Part #2

Learn more about restorative justice and practice pathways for your community during this three-part webinar series.

Part #2: Gather details on structural frameworks needed to strategically plan, implement, and evaluate restorative justice/restorative practices in schools, justice systems, and communities with fidelity.

Part #1 recording is available here:
