
Webinar - Gender, Sexuality, and the Juvenile Justice System: Promoting System Improvement

Understanding gendered pathways into the juvenile justice system equips providers with ways to effectively focus on the complex needs, vulnerabilities, trends, and opportunities of each gender's unique experiences. Sexuality and gender identity lenses are equally important to create an environment that elevates lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer/gender nonconforming and transgender youth who identify with female and/or male development, or neither, and varying sexualities, allowing them to be more of who they are.

Webinar - Developing Trauma Informed Partnerships with Schools and Other CAC Partners - Part 2

Brief Overview: This presentation will focus on how Dr. Amelia Siders with the Traverse Bay Children's Advocacy Center worked to design and implement trauma-informed trainings for schools, law enforcement, and other community partners. An overview of essential components and stages of the training will be reviewed, as well as the challenges encountered in implementing the program within different systems. An opportunity for discussion will be provided to generate ideas on how to develop the programming in other communities.

Webinar - Reducing the Risk of Opioid Overdose - MAT Reentry Programs

Individuals exiting prisons and jails have an increased likelihood of opioid overdose. Some corrections systems have chosen to address this risk through the use of reentry programs that incorporate medication-assisted treatment (MAT). While a range of Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program site-based projects are tackling the opioid epidemic by focusing on the front end of the criminal justice system (for example, through the roles of first responders), several teams are focusing on improving jail- and prison-related strategies.

From CitiStat to GunStat: A Data-Driven Strategy to Address Gun Crime

CitiStat was a data-driven management strategy designed to monitor and improve the performance of all city services in real time. Founded on the core concepts of Compstat, the CitiStat model involved a series of weekly meetings that focused on improving the effectiveness across city agencies to address complex safety issues. As gun crime became prioritized within the process, the CitiStat model was utilized to focus solely on the targeted enforcement and prosecution of felony gun crimes, and soon became known on a national level as GunStat.

Financial Crimes Against Seniors - Part 3 Webinar

A collaborative project of the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and the Elder Justice Initiative, this webinar is the third in a series of three webinars based on the NW3C "Financial Crimes Against Seniors" class, and will include:

  • Responding to a senior call;
  • Prosecuting elder exploitation; and
  • Promoting awareness and prevention.

Presented by: Leann D. Pritt, Certified Fraud Examiner, NW3C.

Webinar - Heroin & Opioids: A to Z

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the United States is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic. Heroin is the most rapidly acting of opiates and has become an epidemic across the country. The discussion will address prescription opioids and heroin. This class will provide basic knowledge of its abuse, the effects on the body, and implications for treatment and criminal justice supervision. In short, the CDC stated that opioid epidemic was already the deadliest in American history in 2015.

Webinar - Fire/EMS as Partners in Early Diversion Strategies

Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is an essential partner in front-end responses to people with behavioral health conditions, including mental health and substance use crises. This webinar will focus on the ways that Fire/EMS can be partners with behavioral health providers and other first responders on early diversion initiatives.


CC 101 - Basic Digital Forensic Imaging (Sept 20 2018)

This course covers the fundamentals of computer operations, hardware function, and configuration, as well as best practices for the protection, preservation, and imaging of digital evidence. Presentations and hands-on exercises cover topics such as partitioning, data storage, hardware and software write blockers, the boot-up and shutdown processes, live imaging, encryption detection, and duplicate imaging. This course incorporates computer forensic applications that experienced practitioners are currently using in the field.

Course structure:

CI 121 - Cellular Records Analysis (Sept 2018)

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers, as well as how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended.

Students are provided with a free copy of the National White Collar Crime Center's (NW3C) PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

Webinar - The Latest Research and Policy Issues Surrounding the Use of Body-Worn Cameras in Law Enforcement

Police body-worn cameras (BWCs) have diffused rapidly in law enforcement in the United States and abroad over the last few years. The rapid diffusion of police BWCs has been driven, in part, by findings from a handful of early research studies which suggest cameras can produce a range of positive outcomes, including reductions in use of force and citizen complaints, enhanced prosecution outcomes, and increased perceptions of procedural justice among citizens.
