Tribal Justice Agencies

FC099 Basic Level Spreadsheeting Skills

This one-day course provides foundational spreadsheeting knowledge and skills to enhance workplace productivity. The course covers basic navigation of Microsoft Excel by combining live demonstrations and hands-on exercises.

Work with multiple worksheets within a workbook
Hide, unhide, and protect worksheets
Adjust rows and columns
Use copy and paste options
Find, select, and sort data

Webinar: The Forest through the Trees: Cutting through Complex Money Laundering Investigations

What do you do when you are confronted with a large-scale financial crime case that has taken place over years? What investigative steps do you take? Where do you begin with the audit?

This webinar looks at complex money laundering audits and investigations to show things you may want to consider in successfully prosecuting these crimes.

Presented by:
John R. Healey, Assistant Attorney General, CECFE
Philip V. Apruzzese, Director, CUFFS Initiative, Assistant Attorney General, CECFE
Meaghan, Scotellaro, Principal Auditor Investigator, NYS Office of the Attorney General
Mark J. Terra, Detective Investigator, NYS Office of the Attorney General

CI130 Basic Cyber Investigations: Cellular Records Analysis

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers; and how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of NW3Cs PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

*Cellular technology. Land-line and cellular networks. Types and generations of cell phones. Cell site design and its implications for law enforcement.
*Analysis of call detail records. Request information from service providers. Convert records into a useful format. *Merge two related spreadsheets. Read and analyze using filters, sorting, and pivot tables. Plot location information.
*Hands-on experience. Hands-on experience with NW3Cs free software tool PerpHound and Microsoft Excel to analyze various types of records that are available from cellular providers.

Webinar: Subpoena Processing at the Big Banks: What You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered what happens when you send a subpoena seeking financial records to one of the large Banks? Do you want to learn how large Banks receive, interpret, fulfill, and deliver subpoena responses? In partnership with the American Bankers Association, this interactive webinar will include panelists from Capital One, Fifth Third Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Key Bank, and US Bank sharing their perspective on third-party subpoena processing as well as industry trends. This is your chance to find out more about the process and learn how these big Banks are implementing technology into the overall subpoena process. Have specific questions? Bring it! After a brief presentation, panelists will hold a Q&A session with the audience.

Webinar: It Will Not Happen to Me: Recognizing the Impacts of Trauma and When to Seek Help

When it is your life, it can be hard to identify that any significant changes are taking place. Other times, you may know things are having an impact on you, but it is unclear when therapy might actually be beneficial. This presentation will cover how traumatic events from the job can have an impact on first responders, how to identify the impacts that the job is having on you, and how to know when it is time to seek help from a professional.

Presented by:
Dr. Rachelle Zemlock, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, First Responder Family Psychology

DF320 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: macOS

This course prepares students to identify various artifacts typically located in property lists and SQLite databases on MacOS-based computers, as well as learn how to perform forensic analysis. Students gain hands-on practical experience writing basic SQL queries and using to analyze operating system artifacts that includes, but is not limited to, user login passwords, FaceTime, messages, mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, photos, Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

CI240 Intermediate Cyber Investigations: Virtual Currency

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to investigate crimes involving virtual currency. Instructors explain foundational concepts like the characteristics of money, virtual currency, and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology, proof work, and proof of stake are covered; and students learn how industry-leading cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero) work and how they differ from each other. Finally, students learn investigative techniques for tracking and documenting transactions; and best practices for seizing and securing cryptocurrency.

*Virtual currency basics. History of money and of virtual currency. Categorizing virtual currency.
*Blockchain. History of the blockchain. Understanding different protocols.
*Cryptocurrencies in detail. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and other privacy coins.
*Investigative techniques. Seizing virtual currency; tracking transactions through the blockchain; documenting investigative results.

FC111 Financial Crimes Against Seniors Seminar

This course promotes a multi-agency approach to the problem of financial exploitation of senior citizens. Topics include working with senior victims, examining documents like bank records and power of attorney, and resources for investigation and community awareness. Detailed examination of a case study from initial complaint to prosecution reinforces and illustrates the course content. With a dual focus on financial abuse by trusted persons and common scams aimed at seniors, the course introduces senior-specific investigative skills while facilitating networking and cooperation that can extend out of the classroom and into real cases.

FC102 Financial Investigations Triage

This course provides an overview of the actions investigators can take at the outset of a financial crime investigation. Students learn to ask critical questions, gather documentation, and analyze information for leads. Topics include obtaining and working with financial records, red flags in financial cases, money laundering, investigative strategies for different types of financial crimes, and commingled funds.

FC122 Intellectual Property Theft Training

This course introduces the problem of intellectual property theft and provides tools, techniques, and resources for investigating and prosecuting these crimes. A combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises illustrates the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products, as well as best practices and techniques for investigating IP theft. Students are provided with a state-specific folder that includes relevant statutes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and additional resources for investigators and prosecutors.

This course is presented in collaboration with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).
Awareness. Types of IP crimes. The criminals who commit these crimes. Impacts and dangers.
Investigation. Online and traditional techniques. Working with brand experts and the private sector. Large amounts of evidence. Resources.
Statutes. Prosecutorial theories. State-specific discussion.
Hands-on experience. Work with real counterfeit products. Identify fakes with expert guidance.
