Tribal Justice Agencies

TCAP: Tribal Court Conference - Exploring Emerging Issues In Tribal Court

This conference serves to provide information to tribal court personnel about issues that have arisen in Indian Country. This conference supports the enhancement of tribal court adjudication and operations.

Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group Meeting #4

RAND plans to conduct the fourth in-person meeting of the Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group. This meeting will focus on addressing the top two topics for follow-on research from prior CJTFG meetings: identifying the most promising emerging technologies for sharing and using information, and determining top business cases for sharing information across the criminal justice enterprise.

26th Annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference


26th Annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference

October 24-26, 2016
Mission Palms Hotel and Conference Center
Tempe, Arizona

Sponsored by
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

Hosted by
Tempe Police Department and the Arizona State University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Enhancing Tribal and State Collaborations to Build Sustainable Public Safety Partnerships (Jul 2016)

This course is designed to be a proactive, comprehensive, training experience that fosters collaboration among tribal, state, federal, and local governments. The class will train and equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify existing tribal justice challenges for the purpose of strengthening partnerships to more effectively implement criminal justice initiatives in their organizations.

Enhancing Tribal and State Collaborations to Build Sustainable Public Safety Partnerships (Sep 2016)

This course is designed to be a proactive, comprehensive, training experience that fosters collaboration among tribal, state, federal, and local governments. The class will train and equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify existing tribal justice challenges for the purpose of strengthening partnerships to more effectively implement criminal justice initiatives in their organizations.

BJA NTTAC Webinar - "Tips for Reporting on Training Performance Metrics"

On Tuesday, June 14, from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) will host the webinar "Tips for Reporting on Training Performance Metrics". The webinar will review the performance metrics associated with training engagements in the BJA Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Reporting Portal, and offer tips for entering training activities and reporting training performance metrics thoroughly and accurately.

Enhancing Tribal and State Collaborations to Build Sustainable Public Safety Partnerships

The course consists of topics including: Collaboration & Partnerships: MOU/MOA and Tribal Governance; Understanding Issues and Tribal Threats: Law & Legal, Sovereignty for Collaboration: Best Practices and Lessons Learned; Partnership & Stakeholder Resources. This training assists participants in overcoming collaborative tribal partnership challenges by: deploying the GAP Analysis process within their strategic planning process and initiate collaborations with appropriate structure to maximize tribal and non-tribal resources in a problem-solving environment.
