Law Enforcement

CI102 Basic Cyber Investigations: Dark Web & Open Source Intelligence (Jun. 7–9, 2021, Virtual)

This course provides expert guidance in the skills law enforcement officers need to conduct successful online investigations. Topics include IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, best practices for building an undercover profile, foundational knowledge related to the dark web, and the use of the dark web as an investigative tool. Instructors demonstrate both open source and commercially available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media, as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites.

CI101 Basic Cyber Investigations: Digital Footprints (May 11, 2021, Virtual)

This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individual’s digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, and the consequences of oversharing personal information, as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

CI130 Basic Cyber Investigations: Cellular Records Analysis (May 12–13, 2021, Virtual)

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers, and how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of the National White Collar Crime Center's (NW3C) PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

CI130 Basic Cyber Investigations: Cellular Records Analysis (May 25–26, 2021, Virtual)

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers, and how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of the National White Collar Crime Center's (NW3C) PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

Webinar: Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation: Budget Worksheet Completion

The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. The majority of DOJ’s existing tribal government-specific programs are included in and available through this single solicitation.

Webinar: Cultural Considerations When Working Within Indian Country – Part 1

Join the National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College for their webinar “Cultural Considerations When Working Within Indian Country – Part 1” on February 24, 2021 at 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will focus on fostering a better “understanding of the tribal community and its system of shared values, beliefs, and rituals that are learned and passed on through generations” as context for working on missing and exploited children’s cases within Indian Country.

Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics - Panel Discussions

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Team is hosting the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics Panel Discussions. The SAKI website currently hosts the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics web page, which includes pre-recorded webinars and other training materials.

Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics - Panel Discussions

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Team is hosting the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics Panel Discussions. The SAKI website currently hosts the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics web page, which includes pre-recorded webinars and other training materials.

Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics - Panel Discussions

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Team is hosting the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics Panel Discussions. The SAKI website currently hosts the Enhancing Conviction Integrity through Forensics web page, which includes pre-recorded webinars and other training materials.
