Law Enforcement

FC122 Intellectual Property Theft Training

This course introduces the problem of intellectual property theft and provides tools, techniques, and resources for investigating and prosecuting these crimes. A combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises illustrates the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products, as well as best practices and techniques for investigating IP theft. Students are provided with a state-specific folder that includes relevant statutes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and additional resources for investigators and prosecutors.

This course is presented in collaboration with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).
Awareness. Types of IP crimes. The criminals who commit these crimes. Impacts and dangers.
Investigation. Online and traditional techniques. Working with brand experts and the private sector. Large amounts of evidence. Resources.
Statutes. Prosecutorial theories. State-specific discussion.
Hands-on experience. Work with real counterfeit products. Identify fakes with expert guidance.

IA101 Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training

This course addresses the critical need for well-trained intelligence analysts to interpret growing amounts of information. Topics include the intelligence cycle, analytical thinking skills, the importance of strategic analysis, communication and social media analysis, recommendation development, and legal and ethical issues. Students work hands-on with specialized software to synthesize information and develop various products of intelligence. The course was developed by a consortium that included NW3C, Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (IALEIA), and the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS).

*Analysis basics. History and purpose of intelligence analysis. Legal issues and ethics. Sources of information. The intelligence cycle.
*Types of analysis. Crime patterns. Associations. Flow. Communications. Financial analysis.
*Creative and critical thinking. Brainstorming. Mind mapping. Steps to critical thinking.
*Deterring crime. Strategic analysis as a tool for law enforcement personnel.
*Hands-on experience. Work as part of a team to analyze information pertaining to several hypothetical cases.

New Approaches to IoT Crime Scene Analysis

This webinar will explore the ever-expanding importance of Internet of Things (IoT) crime scenes and the potential evidence generated by IoT and wearable devices. The session will include real-world examples showcasing IoT crime scene evidence and exhibits, illustrating how these interconnected devices can play a pivotal role in solving cases. The importance of lawful access to IoT devices, including appropriate legal processes and proper pre-planning considerations for IoT evidence searches, will also be discussed.

Cyber Sexual Abuse & Human Trafficking: Understanding the Nexus

In recent years, the digital landscape has provided perpetrators with new tools and avenues to exploit vulnerable individuals for sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Cyber sexual abuse crimes encompass a wide range of activities, including online grooming, non-consensual sharing of intimate images revenge porn, and sextortion. These crimes often serve as a precursor to sex trafficking, creating a dangerous overlap that demands urgent attention. The legal system is unable to keep pace with the rapidly evolving nature of technology and the sophistication of cybercriminal tactics. Goals of the Webinar: • Raise Awareness: Educate participants about the definitions, characteristics, and consequences of cyber sexual abuse crimes and sex trafficking. • Highlight the Connection: Examine the intricate connections between cyber sexual abuse and sex trafficking, emphasizing the grooming process and recruitment tactics used by traffickers. • Address the challenges in the legal systems that prevent victims from getting justice • Offer proposed next steps on how to address these issues Presented by: Melissa Kaiser, consultant, Melkai Consulting Lindsay Lieberman, Esq., Founder, Managing Attorney, Lindsey Lieberman, LLC NW3C does not share webinar attendees personally identifiable information with any third party without opt iin consent given during registration.

Investigating Swatting

Often viewed as a nuisance as opposed to a crime, swatting calls have become extremely common over the past decade. Intertwined with the online gaming culture, swatting has become so popular that there are Discord, YouTube, and Telegram channels dedicated to it. Many police departments feel that these cases will often lead them outside of their jurisdictions, or even their country, and thus they are fruitless and pointless investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth! This webinar will cover common swatting and VoIP abuse trends, best investigatory avenues, and case studies.

Presented by

Keven Hendricks, Dedtective, City of New Brunswick, NJ, Police Department

NW3C does not share webinar attendees personally identifiable information with any third party without opt iin consent given during registration.

The content, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenters and do not represent official policy, opinions, or view of NW3C.

IA103 Introduction to Strategic Intelligence Analysis

This course introduces analysts to the broader concepts of connecting the dots through link analysis. A critical portion of conducting a successful analytical investigation is the ability to link together and understand the complexities of the connectedness between people and organizations. Introduction to Link Analysis (ILA) expands on the basic principles of link and association analyses explored in the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT) while building a framework for more advanced methods such as social network analysis.

Expanding basic knowledge of link and association analysis
Explaining the process of social network analysis
Understanding the visual mapping and mathematical components associated with link and social network analyses

CI130 Basic Cyber Investigations: Cellular Records Analysis

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers; and how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of NW3Cs PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

*Cellular technology. Land-line and cellular networks. Types and generations of cell phones. Cell site design and its implications for law enforcement.
*Analysis of call detail records. Request information from service providers. Convert records into a useful format. *Merge two related spreadsheets. Read and analyze using filters, sorting, and pivot tables. Plot location information.
*Hands-on experience. Hands-on experience with NW3Cs free software tool PerpHound and Microsoft Excel to analyze various types of records that are available from cellular providers.

IA105 Intelligence Writing and Briefing

This course covers basic intelligence writing and briefing principles as well as methods for effective and clear intelligence sharing. Topics covered include creative and critical thinking, critical reading skills, source evaluation, privacy and civil rights, intelligence writing style and structure, and generating and presenting intelligence briefings. With guidance from experienced experts, students gain hands-on experience by working through data sets based on real cases to produce intelligence products. Instructors and peers provide feedback on briefings and reports produced and presented in class.

*Foundational skills. Creative thinking. Critical thinking. Critical reading.
*Information sources. Identify sources of intelligence information. Evaluate sources for validity and reliability.
*Analytical reports. Develop a structured and actionable analytical report based on a data set given in class.
*Privacy considerations. Ensure protection of privacy and civil rights while producing intelligence products.
*Briefings. Construct and deliver an intelligence briefing based on a data set given in class.

FC201 Financial Records Investigative Skills

This course builds on the concepts introduced in FC101 (FIPS) and FC105 (FREA), introducing investigators and prosecutors to emerging issues in financial crime. Topics include money laundering, analyzing large financial data sets, conducting effective interviews, and managing large amounts of financial evidence. This course consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Students conduct a mock investigation that includes interviews, data analysis, and the examination of various documents.

*Money laundering. Methods of laundering money. Tracing illegal funds. Emerging issues. FinCEN.
*Spreadsheeting skills. Spreadsheet architecture. Formulas and calculations. Pivot tables.
*Working with financial data. Benfords law analysis. Disentangling commingled funds.
*Hands-on experience. Work a mock financial case as part of an investigative team.

The Role of Online OSINT in Preparing For and Responding To Critical Incidents

The Role of Online OSINT in Preparing For and Responding To Critical Incidents

Topics covered:

1. Collecting and assessing online threat information while protecting Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
2. Case studies in cyberOSINT during Critical Incident Planning and Response
3. Operational analysis of SCOTUS decision on true threats and free speech in Counterman v. Colorado (decided June 27, 2023)
