Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers (Feb 22 2018)

This eight-hour "Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Training of Trainers" training will heighten awareness and help officers understand the indicators, the issues involved, potential solutions, and important protocols to consider. It will also provide materials for ongoing in-service and roll call training within the agency.

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #2: The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #2: "The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots"

  • Discuss who trauma impacts and how it presents within the U.S. population.
  • Obtain a deeper understanding about intergenerational trauma, including through the lens of World War II survivors, as told by Viktor Frankl.
  • Examine the link between trauma and criminal behavior.

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #1

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #1: "What is Trauma?"

  • Define trauma and what it means to be trauma-informed.
  • Explore how stress and trauma impact the brain and the primary areas of the brain involved with responses to stress.
  • Review various types of trauma to consider when working with clients (i.e., intergenerational, childhood, and complex trauma).

Webinar: Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices Webinar Series - Part #2

Learn more about restorative justice and practice pathways for your community during this three-part webinar series.

Part #2: Gather details on structural frameworks needed to strategically plan, implement, and evaluate restorative justice/restorative practices in schools, justice systems, and communities with fidelity.

Part #1 recording is available here:

2018 National Forum on Criminal Justice

Sponsored by the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) and the IJIS Institute (IJIS), the National Forum on Criminal Justice showcases programs, research, and technologies that help justice practitioners and decisionmakers in states, local communities, and tribal nations address pressing public safety issues. It is the only criminal justice conference that brings together leaders from federal, state, local, and tribal government and the public and private sector to share real world strategies and solutions from around the country.

Cyber Security 235 Basic Network Intrusion Investigations (Mar 2018)

This course covers the skills and techniques involved in responding to a network security incident. The course focuses on the identification, extraction, and detailed examination of artifacts associated with network and intrusions. Memory analysis, host machine forensics, network traffic and log analysis, malware analysis, and virtual machine sandboxing are covered through lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Additional topics include key cybersecurity concepts and issues, as well as the various classifications and types of network attacks.

Cybercop 325 - Macintosh Forensic Analysis (Mar 2018)

The "Cybercop (CC) 325 - Macintosh Forensic Analysis" (MFA) course provides the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to identify and collect volatile data, acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers, and perform forensic analysis of macOS operating system and application artifacts. Students gain hands-on experience scripting and using automated tools to conduct a simulated live triage. Students will use multiple methods to acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers and identify unique challenges that this task may present.

Cybercop 101 Basic Digital Forensic Imaging BDFI (Mar 2018)

This course covers the fundamentals of computer operations, hardware function, and configuration, as well as best practices for the protection, preservation, and imaging of digital evidence. Presentations and hands-on exercises cover topics such as partitioning, data storage, hardware and software write blockers, boot-up and shutdown processes, live imaging, encryption detection, and duplicate imaging. This course incorporates computer forensic applications that experienced practitioners are currently using in the field.

Course structure:

Cyber Investigation 101 Secure Techniques for Onsite Preview - STOP (Mar 7 2018)

The "Cyber Investigation (CI) 101 - Secure Techniques for Onsite Preview" course covers the usage and configuration of two tools (Paladin/Autopsy and osTriage) designed to preview a non-mobile digital device and export files of evidentiary value. DAY ONE is designed to preview a non-mobile digital device and export files of evidentiary value from a device that is powered on. DAY TWO is designed to preview a non-mobile digital device and export files of evidentiary value from a device that is powered off.
