
FC200 Intermediate Level Spreadsheeting Skills: Assessing and Organizing Data

This intermediate spreadsheeting course uses Microsoft Excel to assess and organize data in an electronic format. The class is designed for learners who have experience using Excel and who want to increase their spreadsheeting knowledge and skills. Topics include text functions, absolute referencing, date and time functions, flash fill, handling formula errors, VLOOKUP, dynamic arrays, and data validation. The course combines live demonstrations, instructor-led exercises, and independent student exercises.

DF310 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: Windows

This course covers the identification and extraction of artifacts associated with the Microsoft Windows operating system. Topics include the Change Journal, BitLocker, and a detailed examination of the various artifacts found in each of the Registry hive files. Students also examine Event Logs, Volume Shadow Copies, link files, and thumbnails. This course uses a mixture of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and hands-on exercises.

FC101 Financial Investigations Practical Skills

This course provides hands-on investigative training at a basic level. Students develop the practical skills, insight, and knowledge necessary to manage a successful financial investigation from start to finish, including the acquisition and examination of financial records, interview skills, and case management and organization. Additional topics include forgery and embezzlement, financial exploitation of the elderly, working with spreadsheets, financial profiling, and state-specific statutes and legal issues.

*Emerging issues. Current trends in various types of financial crimes. Recent cases and their implications.
*Financial records. Learn to obtain and manage bank records, including basic spreadsheeting skills.
*Working with data. Extract leads and draw conclusions from bank records and other financial data.
*Hands-on experience. Work a mock financial case as part of an investigative team.

Operational Risk: Fighting Check Fraud

This presentation will review emerging trends related to check fraud, mitigation and prevention tools that financial institutions can utilize, and how law enforcement can collaborate in this process to identify instances of check fraud.

Presented by:
Lloyd McIntyre, FDIC-Examination Specialist (Fraud)

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Intelligence Analysis: Asked and Answered

Join experts from the National Network of Fusion Centers as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to the intelligence analysis questions you submit. In this session, our panel has a wealth of experience with managing intelligence analysts and intelligence projects. This panel will provide perspectives from large and smaller intelligence units at the local and state law enforcement levels.

Click here to submit questions regarding intelligence analysis skills, analyst and project management, information collection, or general comments of analytic tradecraft and NW3C and Fusion Center experts will provide answers during this live session.

Presented by:

Heaven Henwood, Law Enforcement Analyst Supervisor, Philadelphia Police Dept.
Deepak Kukade, Intelligence Analyst, Minnesota Fusion Center
Randy Stickley, Lead Intelligence -Targeting Analyst, KACE Company
Trevor Knight, Production Manager District of Columbia Fusion Center

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The content, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenters and do not represent official policy, opinions, or view of N

NW3C receives funding from components of the United States Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs including BJA, OJJDP, OVC, and OVW to provide much of its training at no cost to U.S. state, local, tribal and territorial criminal justice agencies. NW3C also provides training to criminal justice and regulatory professionals, in both the public and private sectors, around the world through other funding sources.

PT101 Introduction to Cybercrime Units for Prosecutors

This course provides an overview of the actions investigators can take at the outset of a financial crime investigation. Students learn to ask critical questions, gather documentation, and analyze information for leads. Topics include obtaining and working with financial records, red flags in financial cases, money laundering, investigative strategies for different types of financial crimes, and commingled funds.

IA300 Advanced Criminal Intelligence: Tradecraft and Analysis

This three-day course is dedicated to studying the fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative data analysis and how to formulate arguments in support of criminal investigations and intelligence. Students will learn about data management techniques and a disciplined process to clean and standardize data in preparation for analysis. The course will also explore several common investigative objectives, including the discovery of associations between people and entities, the correlation between unlawful activity and suspects, behavioral affinities, and predictions. The course will introduce the Enterprise Theory of Crime and how to use network analysis to formulate conclusions about the structure of criminal organizations, their players and roles, the identification of facilitators, charting of financial arrangements, and connections to unlawful activity. The course enables the production of valuable, accurate, and efficient logical inferences produced by collecting data related to unlawful activity.

IA101 Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training

This course addresses the critical need for well-trained intelligence analysts to interpret growing amounts of information. Topics include the intelligence cycle, analytical thinking skills, the importance of strategic analysis, communication and social media analysis, recommendation development, and legal and ethical issues. Students work hands-on with specialized software to synthesize information and develop various products of intelligence. The course was developed by a consortium that included NW3C, Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (IALEIA), and the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS).

*Analysis basics. History and purpose of intelligence analysis. Legal issues and ethics. Sources of information. The intelligence cycle.
*Types of analysis. Crime patterns. Associations. Flow. Communications. Financial analysis.
*Creative and critical thinking. Brainstorming. Mind mapping. Steps to critical thinking.
*Deterring crime. Strategic analysis as a tool for law enforcement personnel.
*Hands-on experience. Work as part of a team to analyze information pertaining to several hypothetical cases.

iCatch-Mapping Forensic Artifacts from iOS Devices

This webinar will demonstrate the use of iCatch, the iOS Cache Analysis for Tracking Coordinates History tool, which is used to analyze and map location data from iOS Cache.sqlite database. The presentation will discuss the forensic artifacts that can be found in the Cache.sqlite database, how to use the iCatch tool to analyze artifacts from the database, and how to effectively view and present the mapped data in Google Earth.

Presented by:
Aaron Willmarth

NW3C does not share webinar attendees personally identifiable information with any third party without opt-in consent given during registration.

The content, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenters and do not represent official policy, opinions, or view of NW3C.

PT101 Introduction to Cybercrime Units for Prosecutors

This course provides an overview of the actions investigators can take at the outset of a financial crime investigation. Students learn to ask critical questions, gather documentation, and analyze information for leads. Topics include obtaining and working with financial records, red flags in financial cases, money laundering, investigative strategies for different types of financial crimes, and commingled funds.
