
DF320 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: macOS

This course prepares students to identify various artifacts typically located in property lists and SQLite databases on MacOS-based computers, as well as learn how to perform forensic analysis. Students gain hands-on practical experience writing basic SQL queries and using to analyze operating system artifacts that includes, but is not limited to, user login passwords, FaceTime, messages, mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, photos, Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

DF203 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: Forensic Video Analysis

This course provides training on digital forensics for video, specifically targeting common file formats rather than proprietary video encodings or delivery methods. It aims to prepare investigators to answer critical questions about the file and ensure key evidence is not overlooked. This training is designed to support investigations by providing the necessary expertise to handle the complexities of video evidence in the digital age, addressing possible pitfalls including deepfakes, manipulated video, and potential overlooked evidence.

Key concepts covered in this course include:
Digital video file creation
Tool and result verification
Metadata and parsing
Image classification
Hash value comparison
Image/video classification and reporting results

FC201 Financial Records Investigative Skills

This course builds on the concepts introduced in FC101 (FIPS) and FC105 (FREA), introducing investigators and prosecutors to emerging issues in financial crime. Topics include money laundering, analyzing large financial data sets, conducting effective interviews, and managing large amounts of financial evidence. This course consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Students conduct a mock investigation that includes interviews, data analysis, and the examination of various documents.

*Money laundering. Methods of laundering money. Tracing illegal funds. Emerging issues. FinCEN.
*Spreadsheeting skills. Spreadsheet architecture. Formulas and calculations. Pivot tables.
*Working with financial data. Benfords law analysis. Disentangling commingled funds.
*Hands-on experience. Work a mock financial case as part of an investigative team.

DF330 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: iOS & Android

This course provides the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to analyze data on iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad) and Android devices at an advanced level. Students use forensically-sound tools and techniques to analyze potential evidence, employing advanced techniques to uncover evidence potentially missed or misrepresented by commercial forensic tools. Topics include identifying potential threats to data stored on devices, available acquisition options, accessing locked devices, and the default folder structure. Core skills include analyzing artifacts such as device information, call history, voicemail, messages, web browser history, contacts, and photos. Instruction is provided on developing the hunt methodology for analyzing third party applications not supported by commercial forensic tools.

Mobile device hardware fundamentals. How mobile devices work, store data, and interact with a variety of networks.
Device handling. Properly preserving data for imaging and analysis. Identifying potential threats to data integrity.
Device acquisition and security. Acquisition options (physical, logical, device backups). Bypassing passcodes and properly defeating encrypted backups of iOS devices.
Advanced analysis techniques. Mounting images, partitioning scheme and default folder structure, types of artifacts (plists, SQLite databases, etc.).

IA103 Introduction to Strategic Intelligence Analysis

This course introduces analysts to the broader concepts of connecting the dots through link analysis. A critical portion of conducting a successful analytical investigation is the ability to link together and understand the complexities of the connectedness between people and organizations. Introduction to Link Analysis (ILA) expands on the basic principles of link and association analyses explored in the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT) while building a framework for more advanced methods such as social network analysis.

Expanding basic knowledge of link and association analysis
Explaining the process of social network analysis
Understanding the visual mapping and mathematical components associated with link and social network analyses

IA200 Intermediate Analytic Techniques

This course addresses key objectives focused on training intelligence analysts working at or towards the intermediate-level (practitioner and/or experienced analyst). This course expands upon core analytic fundamentals covered in NW3Cs FIAT, ISIA, and IWAB offerings. The course begins with an in-depth case study to illustrate the complexities and challenges of a major case scenario for intelligence analysts. The course then examines key concepts related to analytic thinking, cognitive biases, structured analytic techniques, and effective time and project management. Finally, the course concludes with a section on addressing analytic uncertainty in intelligence writing. With guidance from experienced experts, students gain hands-on experience in the course with a complex practical case scenario that will challenge students on both days of the course.

Key concepts covered in this course include:
*Identifying cognitive biases
*Structured analytic techniques
*Project and time management
*Conveying uncertainty in intelligence writing

DF205 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: SQLite Primer

Mobile devices dominate the intake list, and the desks of most digital forensics analyst globally. Devices are becoming more secure, with an increase in security the need for detailed analysis is increasing as well. SQLite is a self-contained, serverless database engine. It is found on nearly every operating system and dominates iOS, Android, and macOS as one of the most prevalent and relevant data storage mechanisms. Rather than hope our forensic tools support the newest applications or be tethered to how a certain utility parses data we can arm ourselves with the skills and techniques needed to conquer the analysis of nearly any application.

What is SQLite and how to identify and analyze logically
Recognizing relevant locations of valuable data within SQLite database.
Develop skills needed for crafting custom SQLite queries.
Learn how to recognize and decode a variety of common timestamp formats.
Learn how to perform SQLite analysis with automation.

DF203 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: Forensic Video Analysis

This course provides training on digital forensics for video, specifically targeting common file formats rather than proprietary video encodings or delivery methods. It aims to prepare investigators to answer critical questions about the file and ensure key evidence is not overlooked. This training is designed to support investigations by providing the necessary expertise to handle the complexities of video evidence in the digital age, addressing possible pitfalls including deepfakes, manipulated video, and potential overlooked evidence.

Key concepts covered in this course include:
Digital video file creation
Tool and result verification
Metadata and parsing
Image classification
Hash value comparison
Image/video classification and reporting results

DF330 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: iOS & Android

This course provides the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to analyze data on iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad) and Android devices at an advanced level. Students use forensically-sound tools and techniques to analyze potential evidence, employing advanced techniques to uncover evidence potentially missed or misrepresented by commercial forensic tools. Topics include identifying potential threats to data stored on devices, available acquisition options, accessing locked devices, and the default folder structure. Core skills include analyzing artifacts such as device information, call history, voicemail, messages, web browser history, contacts, and photos. Instruction is provided on developing the hunt methodology for analyzing third party applications not supported by commercial forensic tools.

Mobile device hardware fundamentals. How mobile devices work, store data, and interact with a variety of networks.
Device handling. Properly preserving data for imaging and analysis. Identifying potential threats to data integrity.
Device acquisition and security. Acquisition options (physical, logical, device backups). Bypassing passcodes and properly defeating encrypted backups of iOS devices.
Advanced analysis techniques. Mounting images, partitioning scheme and default folder structure, types of artifacts (plists, SQLite databases, etc.).
