Health Care Providers

Webinar – “Implementing a Peer Mentor Program: Strategies for Engaging Peer Recovery Support Specialists in Adult Treatment Courts”

Peer Recovery Support Specialists (PRSSs) working in treatment courts are people with lived experience of behavioral health disorders and criminal justice involvement who are key members of the clinical team serving those participating in drug court and mental health court programs.

This webinar covers strategies for how to engage PRSSs in adult treatment courts to support people with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental disorders. Topics covered will include:

Webinar: Intro to Neurobiology of Addiction

Given the high rates of addiction and co-occurring disorders in a criminal justice population, familiarity with the latest research on addiction is essential to attend to the needs of clients we serve. A very high percentage of domestic violence and higher risk offenders struggle with addition in addition to other criminogenic needs. This webinar will focus on the latest research on addiction and the brain. We will cover strategies and skills to support someone through the recovery process.

Webinar: Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Alliance Development - A Successful Tribal Model

Attend this webinar for a discussion on Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) of the Flathead Nation's journey to implement a successful Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Alliance including the steps they took, key community stakeholders they involved to achieve success, and how they have been able to sustain their Alliance.

Webinar: “Connecting People Who Have Serious Mental Illness to Care: Trends and Strategies”

The Stepping Up initiative encourages counties to track data along Four Key Measures, including connecting people who have serious mental illness (SMI) to treatment and other services after discharge from jail. Communities across the country are looking for information on how to best facilitate connection to care for individuals with SMI. With the current expansion of telehealth, there is a need to discuss best approaches, other ways to connect to care, and to share tips and strategies from counties.

Utilizing Peer Support to Improve Health and Wellness of People with Mental Illness

Peer support specialists offer unique skills that can drastically enhance services using their lived experience to support those with mental health and substance use conditions. Their shared experiences can help to bridge interpersonal and instrumental barriers to accomplishing the health and wellness goals of those in recovery.

Webinar – First-Responder Trauma

This webinar will highlight the experiences, efforts, and needs of first responder agencies relative to exposure to traumatic stressors specific to the opioid crisis.

Using information gathered from interviews with mid- to high-level supervisors from several local law enforcement agencies, as well as fire department and emergency medical services staff, speakers will discuss insights into the awareness of this work’s impact on first responders, the measures agencies have taken to minimize negative effects on staff, and products or tools needed to advance these efforts.

Webinar - COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You

The "COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You" webinar will help policy makers and all disciplines of correctional staff provide training and technical assistance on effective management of employees and subsequent related stressors that can be caused by pandemic-type occurrences.

Stepping Up and Data-Driven Justice: Using Data to Identify and Serve People who Frequently Utilize Health, Human Services, and Justice Systems

Counties across the country have committed to creating data-driven, systems-level plans to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in their jails. As part of these efforts, many communities are focusing on the small number of people who frequently cycle in and out of emergency rooms, shelters, crisis services, and the justice system, a population that disproportionately contributes to the high utilization of these resources.

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences

AIR is one of the world's largest behavioral and social science research and evaluation organizations. Our overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches to enhancing everyday life. AIR's mission is to conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving people's lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged.

Within the United States and internationally, AIR will be the preeminent organization that

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • National Reentry Resource Center Training and Technical Assistance
