Community-based organizations

Webinar - Reducing the Risk of Opioid Overdose - MAT Reentry Programs

Individuals exiting prisons and jails have an increased likelihood of opioid overdose. Some corrections systems have chosen to address this risk through the use of reentry programs that incorporate medication-assisted treatment (MAT). While a range of Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program site-based projects are tackling the opioid epidemic by focusing on the front end of the criminal justice system (for example, through the roles of first responders), several teams are focusing on improving jail- and prison-related strategies.

Webinar - Heroin & Opioids: A to Z

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the United States is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic. Heroin is the most rapidly acting of opiates and has become an epidemic across the country. The discussion will address prescription opioids and heroin. This class will provide basic knowledge of its abuse, the effects on the body, and implications for treatment and criminal justice supervision. In short, the CDC stated that opioid epidemic was already the deadliest in American history in 2015.

Webinar - Developing Trauma Informed Partnerships with Schools and Other CAC Partners - Part 1

Brief Overview: This presentation will focus on how Dr. Amelia Siders with the Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center worked to design and implement trauma-informed trainings for schools, law enforcement, and other community partners. An overview of essential components and stages of the training will be reviewed, as well as the challenges encountered in implementing the program within different systems. An opportunity for discussion will be provided to generate ideas on how to develop the programming in other communities.

Webinar - OJJDP FY 18 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

On June 22, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) will present on the fiscal year (FY) 2018 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative. This webinar will provide a general overview of the solicitation, deliverables, and the program goals and objectives. The OJJDP FY 2018 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative will fund sites to develop a data-driven, coordinated response to identify and address challenges resulting from opioid abuse that are impacting youth and community safety.

Child Protector App: An Investigative and Educational Tool

Learn more about Child Protector, a free application designed to improve the investigative, administrative, and judicial handling of child physical abuse cases, as well as child fatalities, in a manner that reduces trauma to the child and family.

To Serve, Protect, and Treat: Law Enforcement and Treatment Courts, NDCRC Webinar

Law enforcement is often the first point of contact for those with substance use disorders. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million individuals arrested each year are at risk of substance dependence. Treatment courts strive to combine effective justice approaches with clinical services, and law enforcement officers are vital to achieving this goal.

Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program FY 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement Webinar

During this webinar, Gregory Torain, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Policy Advisor, will review the fiscal year 2018 BJA Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program Solicitation guidelines and will be available to answer questions. Moderator: Preeti Menon, Senior Associate Director, Justice Programs Office.


Webinar: Implementing Evidence Based Practices and Services with Fidelity

Although crime control policy and program development processes are increasingly being informed by scientific evidence, identifying and adopting what works is only part of what’s needed to realize positive outcomes. Evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs) still have to be implemented with fidelity and integrity in order to be successful. Unfortunately, implementation is not an easy task. Implementation science, however, can help practitioners tackle implementation challenges so the promise of EBPs can be more fully realized.

FY 2018 Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program: Site-Based Solicitation Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program (the current model and training and technical assistance program), as well as a walkthrough of key changes in the fiscal year 2018 solicitation. There will also be time for questions and answers.
