
National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Child Abuse Prosecution Project will present a National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This three-day, tuition-free conference will feature nationally known speakers and will showcase cutting-edge workshops for child abuse prosecutors and their multidisciplinary teams. This conference is co-sponsored by the Salt Lake County, Utah District Attorney’s Office, the Western Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

Webinar - Advanced Cock Fighting Investigations and Prosecutions

This webinar will focus on how to do an advanced investigation into cockfighting operations. The speaker will focus on state police flyovers, wildlife cameras, surveillance, and other techniques to make a successful cockfighting investigation. Using drug taskforces already in place, he trains them to know what a game fowl farm looks like. The presenter will explore how all the players are involved in an organized pit and how you can utilize relatives to make cases against the perpetrator. He will also explore how to questions cockfighters and get the most out of an interview.

Webinar - Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Tools in Animal Cruelty Cases

Animal cruelty cases can be tricky due to the evidence, and reporting collateral crimes to other agencies is important. Whether you are dealing with a case involving one animal or multiple animals, it is important to investigate and prepare the case for successful prosecution.

Webinar - Navigating the SART Toolkit

Multidisciplinary Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) are highly regarded as achieving success in communities, improving responses for victims, and increasing prosecution rates. The newly updated SART Toolkit is an online manual that supports SARTs in all aspects of their work, from building a team to responding to victims. The SART Toolkit connects teams with information on topics, resources, and access to experts.

On March 27, 2018, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) released a request for proposal (RFP) to solicit a cadre of subject matter experts to support the Prosecution Assessment Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program. Through this program, experts will provide assistance directly to prosecutors’ offices to ensure violent crime cases are prioritized and to help prosecutors strengthen their cases and increase convictions.

Webinar - Developing a Prosecution Strategy Utilizing Crime Gun Intelligence

In a report published by the Police Foundation and Major Cities Chiefs Association in January 2017, major city and county law enforcement executives stated that of all of the tools and resources available to them in preventing and reducing violent crime, specifically gun violence, ballistic imaging tools were the most helpful, followed by gun tracing tools.

Webinar: Sustainability Strategies for Prosecutors

Sustaining effective, innovative, and evidence-based strategies is the cornerstone for Smart Prosecution practices. This webinar will highlight key elements for developing sustainment strategies, including: identifying principles for sustainability; creating meaningful partnerships; understanding the importance of engaging state administrative agencies; and identifying common challenges to program sustainment.
