
PREA Resource Center

In order to achieve its mission to eliminate sexual abuse in confinement facilities nationwide, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resource Center (PRC) provides extensive training and technical assistance (TTA) through support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Agencies and facilities with questions or in need of direct assistance can request a TTA provider through PRC's website.

Impact Justice
Justice Topic: 

National Reentry Resource Center

Funded and administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) is the nation's primary source of information and guidance on reentry.

What NRRC Does:

Delivers Training and Technical Assistance: The NRRC provides individualized and strategic guidance to recipients of Second Chance Act grants to maximize their efforts to reduce recidivism and help people succeed in their communities after they return from incarceration.

Council of State Governments
Justice Topic: 

National Outreach Programs to Provide Peer Support, Counseling, Services, and Resources to Survivors of Fallen Law Enforcement Officers

Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) programs for survivors include the National Police Survivors' Conference held each May during National Police Week; scholarships; peer support at the national, state, and local levels; the "C.O.P.S. Kids" counseling reimbursement program; the "C.O.P.S. Kids" Summer Camp; the "C.O.P.S. Teens" Outward Bound experience for young adults; special retreats for spouses, parents, siblings, adult children, extended family, and coworkers; trial and parole support; and other assistance programs. 

Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.
Justice Topic: 

Justice Reinvestment Initiative Technical Assistance and Program Implementation

The Center for Effective Public Policy (the Center), under the Justice Reinvestment Initiative sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, provides technical assistance and financial support to states, counties, cities, and tribal authorities that are currently engaged in justice reinvestment. The Center is currently working with a consortium of partners to provide technical assistance as part of a two-phase effort.

Center for Effective Public Policy

Veterans Treatment Court Enhancement Initiative

The National Institute of Corrections and the Bureau of Justice Assistance have partnered with the Justice Programs Office (JPO) to develop and administer training and technical assistance (TTA) for specialized screening, assessment, and case planning tools for veterans treatment courts (VTCs).

American University
Justice Topic: 

National Drug Court Resource Center

The goal of the Bureau of Justice Assistance-supported National Drug Court Resource Center (NDCRC) is to equip all drug court practitioners with access to a variety of drug court resources, including recent evidence-based findings, training and technical assistance, publications, webinars, and a searchable online drug court map.

American University
Justice Topic: 

Peer Recovery Training and Support

Through funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Altarum is working with a broad cross-section of community-based organizations to integrate peer recovery support services into a variety of criminal justice programs and settings. Strong social supports, including peers who have personally experienced addiction and recovery, can improve outcomes for those struggling with substance use disorders.

Altarum Institute

Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative

The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative website is a comprehensive information-sharing resource for justice practitioners at all levels of government, providing timely and useful information on justice integration and relevant technological developments.

Contributing Organization: 
Bureau of Justice Assistance

Prescription Drug Monitoring Training and Technical Assistance Program

The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) provides a comprehensive array of services, support, resources, and strategies to PDMPs, federal partners, and other stakeholders to further the efforts and effectiveness of PDMPs in combating the misuse, abuse, and diversion of prescription drugs.

Institute for Intergovernmental Research
Justice Topic: 

Prosecutors' Resource on Violence Against Women

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys has partnered with AEquitas and the Office on Violence Against Women to create the Prosecutors' Resource on Violence Against Women to encourage prosecutors throughout the country to build strong partnerships with their law enforcement, medical, and victim advocacy organizations to achieve justice for victims within the communities they serve.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.
