Victims of Crime

Join the National Center on Law & Elder Rights (NCLER) for the webinar “Tools for Addressing Elder Financial Exploitation in Rural Areas” on Tuesday, October 9 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, participants will learn about strategies and tools for identifying and addressing elder abuse, with a specific focus on elder financial exploitation in rural areas.

Webinar - Tools for Addressing Elder Financial Exploitation in Rural Areas

Elder abuse is a growing issue faced by older adults, and the effects of abuse can negatively impact the physical health, mental well-being, and financial stability of victims. The challenges of elder abuse prevention, detection, and litigation are heightened for older adults who are less connected to resources. Older adults who are isolated, either situationally or geographically, often have challenges accessing the help they need to prevent against and seek help following elder abuse.

Webinar - Understanding Girls and the Juvenile Justice System – A Review of Recent National Data

Participants will learn about available data resources relating to victimization of and offending by girls, and the juvenile justice system’s response to law-violating behavior involving girls. The presenters will demonstrate information available from online data analysis and dissemination tools, with examples of the practical application and use of this information for policy and practice. Participants will have time to ask questions about the data resources and their own data needs and uses.

Webinar - Navigating the SART Toolkit

Multidisciplinary Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) are highly regarded as achieving success in communities, improving responses for victims, and increasing prosecution rates. The newly updated SART Toolkit is an online manual that supports SARTs in all aspects of their work, from building a team to responding to victims. The SART Toolkit connects teams with information on topics, resources, and access to experts.

Webinar - Helping Victims of Mass Violence & Terrorism: 48 Hours and Beyond

This September, the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center will launch an important two-part webinar series that will highlight significant actions needed to help communities prepare and respond appropriately to assist victims in the first few days after a mass violence tragedy occurs. 

Webinar - Helping Victims of Mass Violence & Terrorism: The First 24 to 48 Hours

This September, the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center will launch an important two-part webinar series that will highlight significant actions needed to help communities prepare and respond appropriately to assist victims in the first few days after a mass violence tragedy occurs. 

Join the Native American Rights Fund for the webinar “Project ChildSafe®” on Wednesday, September 12 at 2:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, participants will learn about Project ChildSafe®, a grant program that provides free gun locks and firearm safety literature to law enforcement and health organizations to distribute in their communities.

Webinar - Project ChildSafe®

The Bureau of Justice Assistance, in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Native American Rights Fund, announced a webinar session on Project ChildSafe®, a grant program that makes free gun locks and firearms safety information, including information on suicide prevention, available to tribal law enforcement and health organizations, for distribution in their communities. Learn more about the program and how to access these materials for your community.

Webinar - Developing Trauma Informed Partnerships with Schools and Other CAC Partners - Part 2

Brief Overview: This presentation will focus on how Dr. Amelia Siders with the Traverse Bay Children's Advocacy Center worked to design and implement trauma-informed trainings for schools, law enforcement, and other community partners. An overview of essential components and stages of the training will be reviewed, as well as the challenges encountered in implementing the program within different systems. An opportunity for discussion will be provided to generate ideas on how to develop the programming in other communities.
