
National Legal Aid and Defender Association

Founded in 1911, NLADA is America’s oldest and largest nonprofit association devoted
to excellence in the delivery of legal services to those who cannot afford counsel. NLADA has a
long history of providing technical assistance, including seminal systems evaluations,
training, and toolkits to promote excellence in state and local public defense delivery systems.
NLADA team devoted to this project bring extensive technical assistance and evaluation
experience, as well as a wealth of field experience in public defense delivery. NLADA is a

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • NLADA's Effort to Provide Access to Justice for All: TTA on the Right to Counsel

Defensive Tactics Training for Tribal Probation Officers and Court Bailiffs

This course is designed for Tribal Probations Officers (POs) and Court Bailiffs who may encounter a violent or resistive subjects during the course of their duties. The course focuses on establishing the legal justification for using force, as well as providing instruction on situational desirability and justification, threat assessment opportunities, officer vs. subject factors, and communication techniques. Participants will be trained in the Disturbance Resolution Model which provides a framework for determining what level of force is necessary and reasonable in varying situations.

Enhancing Tribal and State Collaborations to Build Sustainable Public Safety Partnerships (Oct 2015)

This course is designed to be a proactive, comprehensive, training experience that fosters collaboration among tribal, state, federal, and local governments. The class will train and equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify existing tribal justice challenges for the purpose of strengthening partnerships to more effectively implement criminal justice initiatives in their organizations.

Attending the National Forum on Criminal Justice? The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) invites you to visit our booth (#15) during the following exhibit hall hours to learn about the free justice-related training and technical assistance we offer to make your community safer:

National Forum on Criminal Justice (Aug 2015)

Sponsored by the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA), the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) and the IJIS Institute (IJIS), the National Forum showcases programs, research and technologies that help justice practitioners and decision makers in states, local communities and tribal nations address pressing public safety issues.

Swift Certain Fair/HOPE Workshop

Join the Swift Certain Fair Resource Center in a free workshop on implementing SCF/HOPE in your jurisdiction. Presentations from Hawaii HOPE Judge Steven Alm, SCF researcher Angela Hawken, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) SCF/HOPE training and technical assistance team and practitioner partners. This is a one-day event.
