Do law enforcement overdose response programs require the creation of specific operating procedures?

While not legally required, it is strongly encouraged. Each agency should establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for law enforcement overdose response activities. These procedures should be drafted in consultation with the governing laws of the jurisdiction and any applicable collective bargaining units. If applicable, policies should integrate the provisions of relevant 9-1-1 Good Samaritan laws, as well as the department’s policy on information gathering, searches, arrests, and other activities at the scene of an overdose. Any triage plans developed with EMS and fire agencies can also be reflected in the department’s SOP.

A list of sample procedures from a variety of jurisdictions are available for download below.


Lorain Police Department Policy and Procedure

New York City Pilot Policy and Procedure

Norwood Overdose Police Department Policy

Rhode Island State Police Policy and Procedure

Vermont State Police Naloxone Policy and Procedure