The cost of law enforcement overdose response programs consists of three main components: cost of the naloxone kits, costs to cover the delivery of training, and personnel costs.
Cost of naloxone: Depending on the specific form of naloxone used by the department, the cost of a single naloxone rescue kit ranges from approximately $22-$60 for intranasal kits. In some departments where street-level personnel always work in pairs, equipping each officer with one dose of naloxone has been deemed sufficient because a total of two doses are always available at the scene. The EVZIO® auto injector, new to the market, is now being deployed by law enforcement agencies in several states such as Illinois, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Cost of training: As a general rule, law enforcement training for overdose reversal programs is provided at no cost by a sister or a community agency. In some instances, costs for transportation and related training expenses may be covered by state grants.
Personnel costs: The time required for personnel to undergo training as part of law enforcement overdose reversal and prevention varies on case-by-case basis. Labor unions may consider opioid overdose reversal training as a change in work conditions. If trainings are mandatory and do not fall within regular workday hours, overtime coverage may be needed. There may also be a cost for retaining a medical supervisor/director to authorize naloxone access.