How can implementing agencies benefit from an overdose response program?

There are a number of collateral benefits to the officers, implementing agencies, as well as to the public at large that are associated with implementing a law enforcement overdose response program. First and foremost, the program can lead to the reversal of possibly fatal overdoses in the community. Additionally, individual officers have cited improved job satisfaction rooted in improved ability to “do something” at the scene of an overdose. Implementing departments report improved community relations, leading to better intelligence-gathering capabilities. Similarly, collaboration between law enforcement, public health, drug treatment, and other sectors on law enforcement overdose response initiatives lead to improved cross-agency communication, and helps take a public health approach to drug abuse.


A Heroin Epidemic and Changing Attitudes Towards Marijuana

Aug, 2014
Resource Type: 

The summary of the Police Executive Research Forum’s National Summit on Illegal Drugs, held on April 16, 2014, in Washington, DC, which focused on two major issues: the growing epidemic of prescription opioid and heroin abuse and the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington State (as well as medical marijuana in many other jurisdictions).

Rhode Island State Police Administration Press Release